Cloak penalty hits non-froggers

I’ll try to avoid using harsh language, but this feels truly bad.

Word was that “extreme froggers” were going to get hit. There were folks with 5 million HP one-shotting every elite, while we were under 2 million HP after 8 days of daily intense playing. The only way to get to 5 million HP was to have farmed frogs for hours.

But the cloak penalty apparently hit EVERYONE who played intensely for the past 8 days. My wife and I both played 8+ hours per day, engaging in the following content:

  • Daily normal and heroic raids.
  • All world bosses every day.
  • Dungeon & scenario every day.
  • Hours of flying through orbs.
  • Pandaria & Timeless Isle rares and Warbringers.
  • Ordos Sanctuary for Emperor Shaohao.
  • Completed multiple quest campaigns.
  • Dailies & solo scenarios.

We engaged the entire diversity of the game, built up our characters to less than 2 million HP, I last remember having around 37k stamina on cloak.

And then we get hit with the cloak nerf. As if we farmed frogs for hours.

Even worse: my wife didn’t even get the 40k consolation bronze. She actually finished the Ordos Sanctuary to Exalted reputation to buy the mount, so apparently she’s an exploiter. Cloak nerf for her, and no 40k bronze!


the only good thing about this is that im not alone and blizz totally screwed up
so maybe we have some chance at reverting this
but what a @#$! show


Same. Didn’t farm frogs (Only kill like 20 or so each day for the daily to kill 20 elites), and i was hit too. I did Timeless island reputation farm, got to do some heroic raids and bronze and yet that was apparently enough to be deemed a Frog farmer somehow


Probably the funniest thing of all of this, is a bear druid I had seen yesterday that had 19M HP is still running around in full 556 gear with 5M hp. Like the “extreme” cases aren’t going to care as if they were smart they’re still going to be uber busted.


My wife remarked resentfully after this, “I wish I had farmed frogs.”

Truly, that seems to be the lesson here. Exploit early, exploit often, buy everything you can before the penalty that’s going to hit everyone including the honest players.


till they decide to revert and remove the mounts toys and transmog in your collection. they 100% can do it.

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^they will do that but it will be next week. so all the rewards you farmed this week go too at that time


I did the rep grind, I bought the mount. I got the the 40k aka free gear level. I am now 2.835 mil HP on mage. All grinding. Cloak 50k stam. Did not get nerfed.

If you did not farm frogs you should not have been nerfed.

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Try logging in again - you may find it still hits you. I realized the cloak nerf affected me when I noticed my HP was less than I expected, several hours after the 40k bronze.

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I hope this happens to every naysayer that says I am a “cheater” because I got hit with this random nerf. thatd be schadenfreude


In that case, I’m just unsubbing. Myself and my entire family. Screw this crap, it’s bad enough to have to deal with blue-haired narratives, now we have to deal with blue-haired communism where they say they’re going to hit the “exploiters” but by “exploiters” they mean everyone who built up more than others, ESPECIALLY with hard work.


If they do this the game will die very quickly.

This event is already an absolute disaster.


I had over 50k stam. I have ~4 days playtime because I nolifed and farmed every remix achievement. I logged in today to my stats being less than half what they were and no 40k quest. I’m bored with live and only just resubbed, so I think I’ll just chargeback if they refuse to fix it because this has killed all motivation I had to play.


idk if it will survive this alone.
im sure for a week or so we will see some casuals grinding to get their favorite xmog
but blizz has killed motivation for every kind of player with this event
genuinely if they just removed it tomorrow and said wewps this never existed id be more happy.

if theres a refund movement starting count me in

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The reason I was attracted to the Remix is because it offered an apparent opportunity to no-life the game, and not be gated.

Now it turns out, you no-life the game, they make no distinction between that, and an exploit.


I checked my /played on my Remix character - it’s 3 days 18 hours, of which 2 days 17 hours at level 70.


I have yet to log in since these changes, but will be doing so in about 15 minutes. If I find I’ve been affected by this change then I’m probably going to walk away. I’ve rolled with the punches for years, but every camel’s back breaks sooner or later.


Tell us what you find! If you’re not affected, that is good news, and it is interesting to know.

Unfortunately I don’t make a habit of screen capping my buff before logging every day so I’ll have to make a rough estimate.

its auto set to 2500 all stat if it was nerfd, so youll know