Cloak and Stealth are bugged AF

Cloak of shadows doesent prevent harmful spells from being reapplied like 40% of the time I use it, and like everybody else is saying stealth is basically unplayable.


Yes especially Dk disease. They can reapply right away after first second. And Cloak doesnt remove frostmage slow for some reason.


That’s the abomination that auto dots everything within 8 yards the whole time it’s up.

As for the slows that’s a bug that has been there since the last patch of df. And it’s almost all slows and it’s all immunity’s you can hamstring someone that is in divine shield/iceblock or freedom’d they are staying on through any immunity.

At this point maybe it’s a bug that is now a feature…

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Ive noticed that too, especially dks you are right

yup anytime i cloak i still have DK dots and slows on me. Feels bad.

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