Clicking on optional dialogue options doesn't seem to trigger anything other than the NPCs talking animation

Hello! I just recently started Dragonflight, and noticed that when clicking an interesting optional dialogue option on the Sendrax NPC, only its speaking animation seemed to be triggered. This is to say that i see it talking, but no new dialogue pops up as a window, nor does it actually talk.

I tried repairing the game and playing around with addons and sound but it hasn’t done the trick, the optional dialogue simply seems to refuse to trigger properly.

Is this ringing a bell for anyone else in this or any other NPCs case, or in general?

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I am running this alt though DF quests and can confirm the two gossip options for Sendrax (NPC ID 193362) at Wingrest Embassy won’t trigger. I checked around the area and found that Xelendus Felwatcher and Haephesta with gossip options and theirs works fine. It’s probably a bug.

If you found a bug, please report it in Bug Report so the appropriate parties will see it.

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