/click macros & 11.0.0

Anyone know if these are not supposed to work any more, or if it is a bug?

make a macro with /click in it, and then /cast after. The /click is ignored.

Not a bug, macro clicking has changed

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Curious, is it in the patch notes somewhere?

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Not that I’m aware of nor expect to be made available. There are links to author disussions on the topic in other threads in this fourm that might provide some enlightenment if not relief on where we ended up.

Here’s a discussion about the macro system changes in 11.0, from the github where several addon authors collaborate to track API changes.

The discussion is primarily about the ability for an addon to create a macro “on-the-fly” and execute it, but here’s the relevant bullet point for this topic:

Emphasis added.

The devs are intentionally removing macro chaining.


So that does that include mouse over macros like this?
/run C_PetJournal.CagePetByID(GetMouseFocus().petID)

The above deals with /click specifically.

Almost anything that can be done with a /run is unaffected. But in your macro’s case, 11.0 broke it another way you need to use GetMouseFoci()[1].petID instead of GetMacroFocus().petID:

/run C_PetJournal.CagePetByID(GetMouseFoci()[1].petID)

Wow! Thank you!!!

This makes me a sad panda.

Seriously, this is changing like 99.9% of all my macros, which I’ve developed since Vanilla…