"/click" macro referencing to a "/cast" macro not working

Hello there!

So I logged in today after a few months and noticed that my macros are not working anymore. (I’ve been using these since BfA)

Here an explanation:


#showtooltip Vanish
/click [nomod] MultiBar6Button4
/click [mod:shift] MultiBar5Button5
/click [mod:ctrl] MultiBar5Button4

Cloak of Shadows spell is on MultiBar5Button5, works fine. (mod:shift)
Evasion spell is on MultiBar5Button4, works fine. (mod:ctrl)

but when I press the button without a mod nothing happens. There is another macro inside this button:

Macro 2:

/cast [combat] Vanish; Stealth

Funny thing is when I replace this 2nd macro with another ability from the spellbook it works.

Is there any update impending a /click macro use a /cast macro now?

I would love some help, as I said this worked since BfA,


No longer possible as of 11.0

All macros are limited to 255chars and you can’t use click to chain macros.

Oh I see :frowning:

We can close it then.


Edit 1:

I modified my Macro:

#showtooltip Vanish
/cast [nomod,nocombat] Stealth;[nomod] Vanish
/click [mod:shift] MultiBar5Button5
/click [mod:ctrl] MultiBar5Button4
