Click casting not working for purify

Trying to use the click casting, and when I go to setup purify with ctrl+left click, it doesn’t save. If I try crtl+left click with other spells, it works fine. Tried it with other bindings and seems purify just won’t work.


Having the same problem. It won’t bind at all.

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Having the same problem on my Timerunner holy priest. I haven’t tried other characters yet though. I have tried resetting all keybinds to default, exiting the game in between resets, and doing different keybinds. nothing works. Only Purify is the problem. It appears to bind in the UI, but then when I save and close the UI, it doesn’t work. I check the click casting UI again and the keybind has disappeared as if it was never set up.

Had this problem in retail, couldn’t find anything to fix it until I made a macro. Now in MoP:Remix, a macro won’t even work … This is seriously going to make people hate me for not being able to cleanse/purify on the go because I have binds to left/right click and to even target/menu on a player it’s a whole “alt+ctrl+left/right” respectively.

Purify Spirit (Shaman) and Purify (Priest) both seems to be the issue while the monk/druid cleanse spells respectively havne’t had this issue. Haven’t tried Paladin but I assume the two spells containing “purify” is partly the reason …

My holy paladin in MoP: Remix is having this same problem. It just won’t save the Cleanse keybind. Everything else is able to be bound. Have tried it with and without the talent, neither way works.

A fix Im using for this, is just using a real basic Macro.
For me it was my Paladins Cleanse so I used
/cast Cleanse

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The only way I can get this type of spell to work on any class (Shaman, Monk, etc) is to bind the clickcast to Shift and Bottom Side Mouse Button. For some reason, it accepts that.

There must be some bug with Purify as it does not appear on fresh level 10 priests even though it’s supposed to be automatically learned at level 10 upon activating a healing specialization. I have yet to check shaman.

When in discipline spec, it appears in the holy tab of the spellbook greyed out but without a level requirement (because the level 10 requirement is already met).

When in holy spec it appears in the discipline tab of the spellbook greyed out but without a level requirement (because the level 10 requirement is already met).

Attempting to cast the spell via macro returns the error message “Spell not learned”.

Same issue on my Holy Paladin in MOP Remix. When I bind any other ability via click casting it works fine, but if I try to bind cleanse, it doesn’t save.

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Use this macro on any class this happens to and set the macro to click casting instead of the spell, and it will work. Simply replace “Cleanse” with whatever the spell you are having issues with is:

/cast Cleanse

If you need help with the Evoker’s Spirtbloom not stopping on the empower level you want on a second click-cast, bind this macro to a mousebutton:

/cast [@mouseover,help] Spiritbloom


Bug persist, it is clearly a bug.

Bug still persists. I made a new priest on an RP realm last night and couldn’t set Purify to click cast, but my original priest, which I set up the exact same way, has already had it set up that way and it still works on that server.

It’s not working for cleanse ether. I used Vuhdoh but that’s not compatible with big debuffs and their debuff system is dog crap. So i tried the blizz UI and u can’t even keybind a dispell for their click casting system. About to unsub from wow. Tired of their laziness. Can’t even talk to real people on the phone. U have to mail them a ticket smh

I also have this problem across multiple characters. I can use my debuff removals on a timerunning evoker. I haven’t gotten it to work on a resto druid or resto shaman or holy paladin. I can go into the interface and set up the binding, but when I hit save, and it automatically closes, it doesn’t actually save.

If you can’t properly save a binding for a debuff removal, this base UI function is effectively useless.

Seeing same thing. Shaman in MoP:Remix. Won’t save my Purify Spirit spell.

Edit: Small workaround!

  1. Create a click cast for another spell (I used Earth Shield), hit save.
  2. Go back in and replace that spell with Purify Spirit, hit save again.
  3. Profit.
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Nilu had it right!

Here are some detailed directions:
[1] Escape > Macros > (choose general or character specific tab > New > choose icon and name > Okay

[2] Click in the Enter macro commands box and type:
/cast Cleanse

Click save

[3] Escape > Options > Keybindings > Click Casting > (see top right of “Click Cast Bindings” window and click the keyboard button icon “Macros” > navigate to the macro you just created and click it > Now click on the click casting keybind you are trying to make like CTRL+ Right mouse click > click save.

Done. Works perfectly!



wow best solution thanks

Came here for this, works perfectly. Weird you can’t just set Purify already but this workaround did it

So, it’s been months since this bug has been active, it affects the dispells of shamans, priests and paladins, and it has NOT received any fixes for, I repeat, months… It’s such a simple and stupid bug but at the same time very stressful. Imagine being a new player, trying to use the click casting functionality, and encountering this. Having to go to the forums and find that people have to create macros to bypass the bug, a bug as simple as this one.

For this game they charge you a monthly fee.