sorry but you are wrong sir. they were at least 12 new fresh server then orig tbc launched. you can look this up if you like. people have posted this a few times in the tbcc fresh thread. some no transfer, some just fresh. and all are still running with the same amount of merges over 17 years.
al tho i do believe 12 was a bit much but i don’t think blizz had layering in those days
Not with the rules that “new servers” people are asking for: NO boosts, NO transfers to/from other servers, and a different schedule of when different phases released. In short: new servers WITH DIFFERENT RULES.
Don’t play the “same words, completely different meaning” game. That’s just a way to lie, while pretending to tell the truth.
“Special servers” is not Blizzard’s business model. Blizzard has not done that in WoW in 16 years.
Blizzard is not obligated to change their business model (and severely change their software model) to support different servers with different rules in the same game. They have already created 3 WoW games. How many more are you asking for?
Usually the point of a fresh is at the end it recycles. So for example 6 months after the last phase or something like that the server is wiped and starts over with some sort of transfer for your characters to the next era.
Part of the problem here is they opened too many because of the initial demand. That’s fine for the progression servers that will presumably follow the timeline up through the expansions but rather than clone the servers for classic they should have opened a handful of new ones and that was it. No “pick your realm” or clones. The progression servers go to TBC, new recycling servers open.
The question then becomes what happens when TBC goes to wrath and so on. Do you spin off one or two expansion locked servers and let people transfer at each point while keeping a set that constantly recycles? That’s where it gets really convoluted.
if you look it up yes there was NO transfer servers.
no boost of course was not a thing because blizzard was not in it for cash shop 16 years ago. cash shop did not happen till bought out by the people that run it now.
the no transfer to/from is new now its a new rule blizzard alone just added. players did not ask for this. so blizzard does change there own rules to servers.
Refer-a-Friend was actually better than the boost. FYI.
yes RaF was better. I used it twice.
That sounds like the most ridiculous and absurd idea I’ve ever read on this forum. This is a pirate server thing, it has no place in legitimate WoW.
let say it is for your side of argument.
people leave reg wow for it so it means it draws people to it or private servers would not happen. so if blizzard as most say know just wants money. it seems it another way to make money.
i myself has never played on a private server. i was on one fresh server and it was the first orig tbc server dawnbringer no transfer. the first and last fresh i ever played on besides the all classic fresh start that drew in millions.
Quite agree. People were doing this for years on pservers before classic was a thing. And im not talking about certain ones getting shut down. Talking about ones who dropped new servers when the old ran its course and most everyone would move to new. Starting on a clean slate clean economy and progressing with everyone else. Forming new guilds making new friends. Idk its just fun to me.
I Mean hell you’d often see cries of “F R E S H” shortly after a server launched. People like the initial parts, and after BWL it gets kinda boring for most.
Should of left classic alone all together.
If a fresh tbcc released. with everyone starting at 58.
keep classic classic. so people could always fall back to the classic char they progressed if they got board.
and fresh bcc at level start 58 so EVERYONE was on same page and level crappy gear lol. would of been better for both games since blizz said they were separate.
this would of been a better release for everyone.
but that’s my thought on it.
but i see blizzard side to. money…pay a copy price. plus a boost does make the money now. not more over time
yeah. think of it as enjoying the ladder climb, specifically.
it can be. but it’s also an ARPG thing.