Clear Restweed

this Big Dig Task would be a lot easier if the Restweed we are meant to clear actually spawned. got the task, went right there - 1 RESTWEED! FIX YOUR SPAWNS! Between this and the utter debacle that was Mahaja Cloudsong, you guys need to sort it out


Still happening.


Still not enough Restweed spawning. Took the entire event (actually longer because I got the 6th as the event timer hit 0:00) for enough to spawn to get the 6 required. Good job devs, way to test your stuff :upside_down_face:


Same issue occuring here. The same issue also seems to happen with the “Clear Boneclover” task.

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Still happening.


Still not fixed

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Still only 1 Restweed out of 6 spawning. I spent the whole event unable to complete this task, meaning I didn’t get to collect Mysterious Fragments the whole time. This needs to be fixed immediately.


While this doesn’t fix the problem, you can quickly change sub-zones to clear the task.  When you fly back in, it should be telling you to be near Edward (can’t spell his actual name but we all know what it means).


A workaround is to just leave the area. Your assigned task will drop off and you can return with a new opportunity to get a new task assigned, hopefully one not bugged.

It’s a real bug but you gotta take care of yourself and use any viable workaround you can.


Still an issue

Can confirm, only two Restweed when I got the quest. I flew away and came back, got a new quest to collect the flowers (I forget the name), but one hanging in the air where you can’t click. I flew away again, came back, got a quest to take something to Zenata, but nothing to give to her.

I just gave up and dug up graves around the tent, that was a better waste of time.

You mean Eadward didn’t have a dialogue option to receive whatever it is you’re supposed to run over to Zenata?

Same here, only 1 restweed.

Just had the same issue. This is really reducing the amount of currency that we can accumulate, as we don’t get the option to do a different task until this is done.

Still bugged

Still bugged. 2 weeds then nothing.

Same problem here. Got 2 weeds then nothing for about 3 minutes.

Not just rest weed, but all the clear some kind of plant tasks are prone to bugging. Several times there will be the right number but one or more is unreachable, like floating 10 yards off the ground.

Restweed still bugged…restweed is named right, because you’ll be stuck with task for the “rest” of the Big Dig.

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Still happening, months and months later.

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