He guys, im clean and going on 3 days without broadcasting software, it’s a lot easier then most people think, just a few changes in hardware and some macros and i’m good to go.
Anyways, to the point, i wanted to discuss Boxing Shadowlands and how much more beneficial it is going to be. Now that the community is mass reporting boxers all of the bots are going to get banned for cheating, which is FANTASTIC. That will clear up the AH market and especially those dirty Herb botters.
I expect the prices to skyrocket after the botters are gone and sadly the other multiboxers that do not go clean with hardware only. There will only be a small community of us left until the others see how profitable it is when the botters are gone.
This is literally the most optimistic expansion we’ve ever had for both multiboxers and solo players. Let’s work together and if you see someone you suspect of cheating, do not hesitate to report them for a check. Botting is the worst thing to happen to this game, finally we might be able to get rid of it as a community.
I was sad, and then i thought about it, and then i’ve never been more excited for an expansion release.
Blizzard didn’t say anything about multiboxing through hardware tricks and macros. I’m proud of you. You will still get a lot of hate, but please keep on doing what you’re doing. I love seeing the tears of big baby boys.
uh, multiboxing is legal and not the problem, botting is the problem and botters multibox, so lets get all of these botters banned so i can multibox in peace.
As a multiboxer who has an army of toons ready to fly into Shadowlands, I am eager to see what the result will be. I do not know how effective Blizzard’s housecleaning will be in terms of clearing out the bots, but if they launch a comprehensive effort of which this broadcasting software ban is only a part then I’m willing to give them some time to see what they can do.
On another thread, I mentioned a number of simple fixes that would discourage multibox farming and botting in general: reduced the number of charges on a single node, reduce the respawn rate of certain mobs after a number of cycles occur in quick succession (toggled on and off for high-traffic times like an expansion release). Putting a 2-3s CD on a gathering node is also a way to moderate the MB farming–alt-tabbers would not see much of a change but broadcasters would be slowed down to that level.
I still would like to be able to use keystroke broadcasting in certain cases, such as instances, where one does not farm gold or mats but rather tries to approach current content from a different play style. Perhaps, in time, we can convince them of this legitimate use of MB software which they permitted for many years.
I’m confused on how making multibox software against tos affects botters at all…They are already breaking tos by botting which has max punishment so why does adding multiboxing to that affect them when they already get the max punishment for botting. It’s like “I sentence you to death, twice”
I would presume that its because botting is harder to catch than the use is of input broadcasting software. Otherwise, yes, why bother? From the comment put out now and then by Blizzard, the problem is that professional gold farmers see the threat of account closure as part of their running cost and they constantly work on ways to avoid detection. So its harder to get the botter and apparently easier to detect the i.b.s.
Honestly I don’t really mind so long as I’m not constantly getting stuck just far enough behind packs of druids to see the herbs vanish in front of me, or worse seeing them despawning nodes outright with 10 chars. (and yes I know changing paths when running into a boxer helps, but that sometimes ends up being a band-aid and the problem quickly returns). All I want is to be able to reliably gather enough for myself and not have to buy from the AH.
Here’s what will really happen. The botting community will keep going because they don’t care about the rules. They just won’t be using isboxer. Stacking in one place isn’t going to be a thing anymore. They will be randomly in the world however, pathing in similar ways, interacting with similar things but staged to do so one by one.
You will probably still see them lumped up at the entrances to dungeons and raids. That said you will not see a noticeable dent in the devaluation of AH trades. Not at all.
Once upon a time I did not have an issue with multboxers. 2-3 characters never bothered me but these days farming leather etc can be a pain. The AH prices stay tanked so bad it is insane. Once the whole herb and ore situation got to where it was ridiculously cheap I guess it was figured out just how profitable leatherworking and skinning could be. Let’s not forget BOE farming. Or group ganks in World PVP. It’s not about learn 2 play when you have 1 person ganking you with 10 characters using the same cast simultaneously.
I multiboxed years ago. Way before ISboxer was even thought of. On occasion I have done it since to run alts through stuff. Long and short it has become a beast that needs to be checked and checked harshly. I hate to say it but I will be happy to see it go.