Claws of Shirvallah, what happened to it?

Hello, I have resubbed to wow recently, and haven’t touched this druid since Warlords of Draenor and felt like leveling them up but noticed that their Claws of Shirvallah form was missing, and there doesn’t seem to be some sort of unlock, glyph, nor seem to be any way to reacquire it, even though for the Legion content I see guardian druid bear forms have alternative forms, and wowpedia/wowhead seem to indicate it was removed with the Legion expansion :frowning:


I can understand that not all druids liked it, especially for the fact that there wasn’t a female form, but I personally liked it and I specifically created this character during Warlords and leveled up specifically as a Feral druid for that alternative cat form.

I see that during Legion characters got the ability to change the appearance of their cat and bear forms similar to transmogging, and this seems to be the case in the current expansion, changable on a whim with a glyph and/or transmog-like system.

So why not bring back Claws of Shirvallah for those who actually liked that form, but make it a glyph or transmog appearance, preferably allowing players to select between the four different colors rather than being race specific.

That’s pretty much what I was wondering on the subject, why it was removed and if there was any lore reason for why or how druids forgot how to shift into or lost that form? or is it simply a case of, for no reason at all?

Anyways, I am looking forward to leveling up to 120 but a bit sad that I can’t level as a cool cat form anymore.


Have you ever seen a chicken strip?

We’ve been asking for that glyph for a long time. Since the talent was removed. Instead, they gave us artifact weapon appearances and still no shirvalla form.

I don’t see why we can’t have more cosmetic glyphs. God forbid we have choices. :confused:


it’s not even really asking for more, as it’s not something extra, rather it’s just asking for something we had, something that already existed and still exists in the game (the Saberon models still in Draenor and the toy).


I think it would be nice if they had an intern or something tasked with “add a cosmetic glyph for each class per patch”. I won’t get greedy and say per spec even.

Just…something. Doesn’t even have to be super flashy.


probably doesn’t even need to be a glyph, just a transmog.


I was not happy when they removed Claws of Shirvallah but if I remember correctly a lot of players did not like it or felt they had to choose it due to other two options not performing as well.

As for glyphs, Blizz just :poop: on them. Glyphs have so much potential and Blizz just gutted them and hasn’t done anything with them since. Damn shame because that was something I enjoyed. And we know that if players are having fun then Blizz has to remove that which brought enjoyment.

Put in a suggestion in game under Help menu that’s what I do.


yep, i remember this, one of my friends hated it, while i liked it. but yeah, should have always just been a cosmetic option. during WoD for people like my friend, I wished they’d just make a glyph so you can just retain normal cat form with the claws talent, then for Legion, no excuse for Blizzard to have just made it a costmetic/transmog option since they essentially introduced transmog for druid forms with that expansion it seems.


We need these!, I abandoned my druid because this stupid decision about removing this form, they should just add it as a glyph or tmog, c’mon Blizzard! Stop it for once a hear your community.

Also i would love to see worgen druids being worgens, allow them to use their worgen form as feral form with glyph as well, hiding the weapon when using the feral form to allow the use of claws and that’s it, it’s purely cosmetic, and you don’t have to do anything hard at all, the resources are in game, you just have to add the option and that’s it


blizz needs to bring this as a cat form for shadowlands


Just keep making threads about it, lord knows those high elf customization crying threads paid off for them, not to mention other hundreds of crying threads about in game things that blizzard caved in and changed. Same can be done for claws of shirvallah if we keep making threads about it.


3 years later, still want claws back.


That’s right, in fact I think I’m a druid because I saw that feral transformation. I later found out that it is no longer available. Please blizzard, give us back the transformation of Claws of Shirvallah. You can add it in the mage tower, as a challenge with improved animations.


The more options, the better. It would be nice if they brought it back, if you had access to all the different saberon appearances, regardless of race… maybe throwa few new colors in as well?


It would be nice if the different colors that Claws of shirvallah originally had were achievable by all druid races and not just for certain druid races


They’re saving Shirvallah form for some inevitable grind or unlock. They realized it was very well liked and pretty cool and in Blizzard fashion that can’t just be given out.


It’s been too many years, I don’t think they’re holding anything back, it’s just forgotten and we druids want Claws of shirvallah transformation back.


How is this tread rising from the grave? It’s creepy.

edit: I have changed my opinion! Let the form return.


Never saw the OP post date damn this is old lol

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