Class/Race Combos That Should Not Happen

With the announcement that all races can be rogues, priests and mages it’s gotten me thinking what class/race combos just wouldn’t work. For me I believe every race in the game should be allowed to choose to be nearly any class but there are a few outliers which cannot exit because of lore. So here is my list and reasons why.

Draenei/Lightforged Draenei- Warlocks and Demon Hunters. Given the playable race we have access and refugee’s from the Burning Legion it shouldn’t happen (unless there is a playable Eradar allied race).

Worgen- Paladin. Being cursed I don’t believe it would make them capable of being a paladin since paladins channel the light through them.

Void Elf- Paladin. When Light meets Void there will usually be an explosive result. A Void elf trying to wield the light through them very well could trigger an explosion akin to a nuclear blast.

Orc and Mag’har Orc- Paladin. Our green skin variety likely cannot become paladins unless they are lightforged by a Naru (and probably would be a very painful process). As for the Mag’har given Yrel’s crusade of conversion to the light or genocide no Mag’har would be a paladin in their right mind and would likely be shunned by all Mag’hars.

Undead- Paladins. Paladins channel the light through them, Priests don’t. Priests when using the light and are undead have a return to there senses and feel there decaying flesh and causes pain. A Paladin would be in excruciating pain constantly as the light destroys there diseased flesh. Unless its a lightforged forsaken Undead should not be paladins.

Other than these combinations I believe that all races should be able to be all classes, including Demon Hunters.


They are not cursed by the void or shadow.
Worgen is a “druidic” affliction.

They should be able to use the light normally, especially as they might be a Paladin before the curse was applied

Riftblades are already NPC in game, wielding Sword and board or 2 hand weapons and use mana.
They can be found in the void rift.
It would be time for Class skins to make that really work.
Same goes for Undead paladins.
There is a Undead DK that uses the light to cause harm.


I think, with increased account-wide function, the coming cross-faction play and additional gratuitous combos, they have removed any sense of the World and its framing bearing any depth or meaning and might as well just turn all the races and classes into irrelevant cosmetic account skins.


Has it ever truly been the case that ANY player character was described as “being in their right mind?” The entire Worgen player race is build on the concept of not being in their right mind. And being shunned as a social taboo is the very essence of a “hero;” see also: Demon Hunters


Where’s my tauren demon hunter


When Blizzard wants to make a change in the game that is usually a retcon, they say “A Wizard did it” whenever the players point out the change.

Look, while lore wise you’re correct on those combos not making much sense; but this game is far too restrictive as it is on player agency and customization. So why some of the changes don’t make sense, do you really want to try and be the person who tells another player "No, you’re doing it wrong!?

Let players do whatever they want. We all pay for the expansions, and the sub, and yeah In pretty sure almost everyone has bought at least one wow token at some point since they were introduced (if you haven’t great for you, but you’re definitely in the minority on that). So again, why not just let players play how they want?

Besides, in the lore, we as players are only “random adventurers” anyway. We are nameless, faceless, randoms who have very little to do with events as they are told in the story, so its not like it matters if we happen to be a Dranei Warlock, or Undead Paladin.

So don’t be that person who is telling others they they’re doing it wrong.

Thanks for the read, have an awesome day!


I think the only 2 classes that will be race specific in the future are DH and Evokers.

That being said, I wouldn’t get annoyed or upset if every race could play everything. Race lockouts are archaic and need to be removed, just as we have evolved as gamers over the years the game must evolve.


Undead paladins make sense to me. I guess I could see the arguments against them, but then I look at SM and Strath and I see plenty of undead paladins.


There are actually light forged Mag’har in the quest line to recruit Mag’har Orcs into the horde as an allied race. They existed on AU-Draenor before the Mag’har that aligned themselves with the horde escaped.



Their curse is nature magic and not void or death magic, so I’m not sure if it rules them out completely.

Also correct, and it’s tiring listening to void elf/high elf paladin supporters trying to come up with explanations to meme this combo into existence. Usually, it’s class skins or subraces, ergo adding a whole new gameplay mechanic to justify a race getting a class that it would never get otherwise, or paladins being among the wayfarers in Telogrus Rift, which makes no sense at all since they would be studying the antithesis of the Light.


goblin paladins…just sayin


And one day, we’ll get them alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll :smiley:

I’ve been saying it for years: new race/class combos are a lot easier to add and balance than an entirely new class. It’s a relatively easy feature that many (but, admittedly, not all) players have been asking about for ages. Blizzard would be crazy NOT to start opening these up, just to add more bullet points to the back of the box.

Plus, it’s all just fiction anyway. What “works” is entirely up to whoever’s writing it!


OP, ever heard the saying “Fight fire with fire”? It neutralizes half of your race/class oppositions.

I don’t see why worgens couldn’t be paladins when Elune seems to have no issue being a source of both light and druidic power.

Undead and Void elf paladins I’ll grant you are slightly problematic with our current knowledge, but it would definetly not demand any more lore development than tauren paladins did


I disagree. They threw the High Elf customizations on Void Elves so they should be able to be Paladins since there are High Elf Paladins.

This is something the forum members made up. It’s not canon.

There is an undead paladin in the game. Sir Zeliek.

already been done.

They can be Priests. Paladins aren’t embodied by the light. They use it just like Priests. Only the Silver Hand Paladins have a ritual where they’re like, “You’re imbued by the light.” and Arthas questions it pretty heavily as a Paladin. Who… casts Paladin Magic.

See above. Misunderstanding about Paladins.


There is an undead Paladin. You guys don’t know how Paladins work.

No its explained in canon with Turalyon and Alleria because of there connections to Light and Void they cannot really be close together.

One example of something extremely situational. And was in pain the entire time and was being controlled.


Will the new race or class restrictions impact your gameplay or limit your IRL capabilities of your daily routine?


Then by all means, stop with these hundreds of threads.

Expanding upon race/classes is fun and will allow more uniqueness to occur.

More player expression and more players being able to have fun in the game is NOT an issue. At all.


You can be anything you want to be.

Play the game how you want. And let others do the same.

Better yet, please unsubscribe. You’re so beyond unreasonably negative and you’re acting like Chicken Little screaming, “The sky is falling,” “the sky is falling!”

Since when does a cartoon have any impact on your happiness or ability to live out your life, or do any activity within the game?

It never will impact you. At all.

It’s a game. Not a full time anthology non-fiction series.



Lightforged Death Knight exists.

This forum is now invalidated.


I have been a player since BC I have hoped that tauren rogues could become a thing…

I feel light-headed in a daze like I am dreaming… I-I can finally live the dream?

watery puppy dog tauren eyes well with tears letting out a squeaky moo of pure joy

At long last…