Classis Era BG's, can we combine classic servers?

it is one sided in BG’s because horde only Q AB/WSG. since SOD came out there is no AV anymore. the server Population has clearly taken a huge hit, I don’t see why we can’t combine some servers to make it more enjoyable again. I am speaking of Whitemane server, this was hopping big time before. there really is no point in having 10 classic era servers all running at 10% capacity.

Last I checked AV was the only thing anyone was doing after they changed the PvP system. Has this changed? It’s definitely the only thing anyone is doing during AV weekend.

They are joined. When you queue for a BG you’re in the same pool as your entire region. I believe it has been this way since 2019.


Obviously If AV was the only thing anyone was doing, I would not have said that AV is dead. not sure when the last time you checked was, but it was clearly not recently. what I said was the only thing horde Q is AB/wsg and yes AV weekend still exist’s, so one weekend every 5 weeks…It was not like this before. the way it is now, you Q for all 3 the only thing you get is AB/WSG and you have 7v10 or 10v15, because alliance have stopped Qing, and the server population has taken a dive.

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I think you meant to say battle group, not region, there is what 4 servers per battle group? and it has been this way since way before 2019. I am talking about combining all servers.

This last weekend, which was AV weekend. There were like 5 active AVs. So yeah, pretty recent.

Are there different battle groups? I thought they separated east and west for a short time, everybody complained and they reunited them again… like way back, when it was the only Classic offering.


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No I meant to say region. When you queue a BG on a North American server you’re in the same queue as everyone playing on a North American server. You’re in queue with the entire region. At least that is my understanding of it. There are/were separate battle groups for the purpose of honor calculations, but now that honor is normalized those battle groups serve no purpose.

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I might as well turn around and face then wall instead of talking to you, clearly you dont get what I am saying. obviously only being able to play AV weekend out of every 5 weekends is not working as intended, and when I /who in IF and there is 0 people in that… ZERO. there is clearly something that can be done to make this better.

I don’t think there is. Not unless they combine multiple regions for battlegrounds, but that’s going to not be great if you’re half way across the world from the server. And if WSG and AB are making a comeback great! Those are actual BGs with real PvP and not just raids with optional PvP.

there is chicago battle group and its 5 or 6 servers and there is LA battle group that I think has 5-6 servers in it.

Do you have a source for this? I was under the impression that this was still accurate:

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Yeah sorry I didn’t read your whole post. If AVs aren’t popping other than on AV weekend then that’s pretty much what it was like before they changed the honor system. Sounds like things are back to normal and if you want to get high honor per hour you’ll either have to work to form some pre-mades or go farm sand in Silithus.

Rank 14 is supposed to be hard to get. It’s way easier than it was before. People were farming sand to hit 1 million honor before they changed the honor system. If you want it you’ll find a way to get it.

Please do not merge servers.

To start, this would have no impact to BGs. All realms in Era already are pooled together in BGs. Era pools all realms together for BGs regardless of realm type or region or cluster (within North America as mentioned above).

Second, Blizzard already offers Free Character Moves to the designated primary clusters — Mankirk and Whitemane. Anyone who wishes to be in these servers is either already there or has a FCM to move there.

Related to the previous point, those of us not are Mankirk and Whitemane do not wish to play there. Grobbulus has about 50 people playing on alliance (we just got Kt down after 2 years of progression!). All of us have FCMs to join the main clusters but actively do not wish for this. In fact, we have grown in numbers mostly with people transferring, paid, from those clusters to Grobbulus.

Finally, pretend we did merge servers. You’re talking maybe 100 people total across all the other realms moving together. Is 100 extra people (who, mind you, already are pooled into your BG queues today) really going to make a difference? We’re already in the same BGs as you. And likely, many of those 100 players stop playing after being forced to move servers.

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Minifreeze - as several of the posters have said, all the realms are linked and the pool of players you are seeing is the pool of players available. I have noticed that in the last month or so AV no longer pops unless it is AV weekend. IMHO you can either quit doing BG’s or you can try to start a premade group… LFG can be your friend. That said, I will n ot enter AB or WSG during prime hours unless I am part of a group. It is generally just toxic. I supposed you could try to get a boycott of WSG and AB going to force an AV queue - but I am not sure how successful that effort might be.

Also, you can hit me up in game if you are LFM for your AB/WSG premade. I might know a thing or two about PVP, or at least have some friends that do. :slight_smile:

As far as I know, horde are making the choice to queue wsg and Arathi as it’s better honor per hour if they win outside AV weekend if they can keep winning.

Some also queue just to kill people which is easier outside of AV.

Given that we see 3-5 AV up at a time during AV week, we have more than enough people to make AV pop, it’s a conscious decision to not queue it outside of the weekend.

You wont get 500k honor in a reasonable amount of time with playing vs naxx geared players in ab/wsg swiping for thousands of faps/lips/eng boots/ etc etc. Either find a group that does the very same or deal with the fact you hit a wall.

Classic Era is one battlegroup per region and has been since 2019.

Short of making BGs mandatory if you log in during the weekend, I can’t see what could be done. You surely do not want to force players to play BGs against their will?

One thing to point out is you never actually need to get 500k that is to maximize ranking speed. You will make progress with 337,500. Up until r13 where you need 418,750. That is what I have done it just takes 3 weeks at r12 instead of 2.

The consumes are pretty easy to get if you do some prep work before the weekend you are going to use them. It is just that they are kind of a waste to use if you are not backed by a team that makes it worthwhile. I have them in my bags and use them on the games that are not clearly losses. Mortars and grenades on the other hand, I use hundreds of those a day, but they are super easy to farm.

I do agree though, 337500 sucks in WSG :slight_smile: if you are playing the same geared group over and over and not getting honor for the few kills/wins you do get.