Classic's Age Distribution is Wild

No they aren’t. Millennials are nothing like Baby Boomers. I’m glad everyone forgets my generation because the rest of you all are pretty insufferable most of the time.


Your the type of person to say a coyote is a type of dog.


considering that your wow sub pays for both games? Technically all of them if they play retail.

You are thinking of the 30 year old boomer meme which is more akin to gen x, and older Millennials, its meant to be a parody.
Culturally they are not baby boomers, its a meme.

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Tell me you don’t know what “boomer” is, without telling me.

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Idk i play both and anyone younger then 20 is more to be on fortnite etc.

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Pretty sure Asmon himself has said the average age of his viewers are in the mid to late 30s lol.


Aint that the truth.


Boomer is just slang that zoomers use for anyone that’s older than they are.


Yeah, that’s because zoomers have an average lower IQ.

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Somehow I doubt Asmon’s fanbase consists of many 16 year olds.

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Also the attention span of a gnat

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Yes, and it’s annoying.


Kids nowadays are awful.

Unlike me, who was a perfect little angel when I was a teenager.

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They also have a know-it-all, can’t be taught anything attitude. There’s one where I work who refuses to listen to those of us who’ve been there for years and does things his own wrong way.

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I’m a baby boomer, born in 1959. All my 6 children are Millennials. I’d say most of them are definitely not like boomers. I’m happy to see how open minded and progressive they are. They’ve actually inspired me to snap out of my ultra conservative views.


Weird, I have this same problem with older people. The moment someone suggests the way they do something is fine because they’ve done it that way for years, I already know I’m in for a wild ride.

Being stubborn and close minded isn’t a generational problem.


The guy I work with is kind of useless all around. So he probably isn’t representative of the whole generation.

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It’s important to not become internet poisoned by people whining about those darn kids.

The reality is most people were somewhat incompetent and dumb when they were young adults.


Evidence?: Trust me Bro b-ong rip.

And Asmongold’s audience isn’t 16 year olds, they’re playing fortnite and league and watching tiktok and jake paul and don’t know or care who he is. His core audience is 25-40.