Classic's Age Distribution is Wild

Kids nowadays are awful.

Unlike me, who was a perfect little angel when I was a teenager.

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They also have a know-it-all, can’t be taught anything attitude. There’s one where I work who refuses to listen to those of us who’ve been there for years and does things his own wrong way.

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I’m a baby boomer, born in 1959. All my 6 children are Millennials. I’d say most of them are definitely not like boomers. I’m happy to see how open minded and progressive they are. They’ve actually inspired me to snap out of my ultra conservative views.


Weird, I have this same problem with older people. The moment someone suggests the way they do something is fine because they’ve done it that way for years, I already know I’m in for a wild ride.

Being stubborn and close minded isn’t a generational problem.


The guy I work with is kind of useless all around. So he probably isn’t representative of the whole generation.

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It’s important to not become internet poisoned by people whining about those darn kids.

The reality is most people were somewhat incompetent and dumb when they were young adults.


Evidence?: Trust me Bro b-ong rip.

And Asmongold’s audience isn’t 16 year olds, they’re playing fortnite and league and watching tiktok and jake paul and don’t know or care who he is. His core audience is 25-40.


True, but he refuses to take advice to do his job more efficiently. I think that goes beyond being young and dumb.

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Fr though, hardest group to find in WoW are people in their early 20s, I’ve been playing this game for 7 years now and only once in early Shadowlands I found someone that was the same age as me(19 at the time).

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Just because im in my 30s doesnt make me a boomer. I despise these young simps who idolize these idiots that stream. Completely dislike them. They are toxic and annoying as all hell.

It’s not so much the streamers themselves i mind. It’s what follows them around that bothers me the most. Asmon created his own little cult following and people act like ride or die when it comes to him.


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I feel attacked


16 year olds don’t watch Asmon.

You have to be the wall between the zoomer hordes and us ageing Gen X’ers.



I should edit and add - my 21-year-old kid raids in WotLK Classic and this absolutely checks out. He’s the one baby in the guild of dudes my age :laughing:


40 isnt boomer. you must be in your 20s complaining other people exist.


They’re not young. The people following Asmongold around are 35-year olds who played vanilla WoW.

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Help a (old?) lady out but what does this even mean?

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Well i am tall as one…



Asmon stans are people who follow Asmongold’s streams.


Whats an “Andy Boomer” (I even tried Googling it LOL)

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