ClassicLFG addon

there’s not buddy


The add-on’s job, as I understood it since I didn’t realize it had inter-addon communication, was to simply parse the LFG global channel for you, and give you a heads up that someone is looking for a group too, and then you decide to invite them or not.

So it makes the process more personal.

Like a score system of some sort? So that people who ninja, or leave mid dungeon, or act nasty would have a lower score, and you could therefor avoid them?

Apparently not since you want to break the addon and force me not to use it=(

There is. Innkeepers and meeting stones.

Thank you blizzard. Absolutely the right choice.


finally making good choices Blizzard. Time to forget these casual tourist scrubs.


Ah see since this is classic that would be a much better topic for socializing with other guilds about instead of using a addon for it. I was more talking about the others websites and such within current wow used in raiding and such.

More personal? So you don’t read LFG and instead either run auto-invite or you just hit the accept button. Why talk in LFG when you can just run an add on and without a word get into a group!

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Have you seen how messy the LFG chat can be? Have you played vanilla?

Ye, have you played BFA? They have a cool LFG system… you kinda just go down the list of groups until someone accepts. Don’t need to talk to anyone so I get to enjoy that sweet sweet silent LFG chat, not a single soul talking to muddy it up.

Not the same thing.

I can’t even imagine being this salty about something that improves a major aspect of an MMORPG lmao

“Socializing? With PEOPLE!? Never!”

Bruh go back to playing your robotic AFK simulator that is BfA


What’s different?

I already explained it.

All it does is filterchat channels… What else are you going to break in the process? Why are you wasting time with this when cross realm BGs literally ruin the ranking system. You have real issues blizzard, deal with them.

Guys, just ignore Starman, huge troll. You will not change him and he will just waste your time.

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How? Please say it again because I can’t find where you talked about how BFA LFG is different from ClassicLFG.

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you are so mean , I am crying :frowning: for real

I don’t play retail so I don’t know what you mean. But I’d totally be down with a credit score for players.