Pug yeah, look like aloe blizzard haz returned!
I’m not worried about anything lol. Blizzard already gave me comfort on that.
Friends? With addon? In clasic? Oh could you repeat that?
The best thing I have found to stop the pain, is to stop beating your head against the wall.
My man the whole point of the addon was to use the UI to send whispers to people who actually want to do the instance…
The auto invite was only intended for large scale PvP groups. No one is arguing for autoinvite LFG, just for the UI/chat parsing portion.
I don’t always log in to the US Warcraft forums, but when I do, it is to upvote awesome Classic WoW devs being awesome.
You can just as simply talk to me without me saying a keyword to auto invite. I don’t need a addon to talk to someone. Seems like some people do need it.
oh you want a sandbox/played to test in? last time i tried that was wowbench and that was forever ago. not sure if it worked in vanilla landscape. a lot of the fiddle sites support lua with syntax highlighting.
i dont think ive ever seen a true mock complete api testing for the entire wow api but that might be a good project to work on. you have me looking at the 1.13.2 api change list for this reason lol
Yeah remember when you used to whisper people and complete a dungeon while getting to know each other and then add each other for future groups?
I was looking forward to using the addon to whisper people and compete a dungeon and getting to know them and adding them to friendslist for future groups.
Yes. /who c- warrior and mass spamming people with whispers is a way better system. Why would anyone want an addon that consolidates interested parties in the content you wish to do.
Yes! Wowbench sounds familiar, but I could have sworn I was using something in late vanilla… if it wasn’t wowbench maybe something else… or it could have just been wowbench and I am misremembering. Although, the last time I messed with addons prior to now was in WotLK.
My memory definitely isn’t perfect though, it’s possible nothing like this existed in 2004/2005, even though I could swear it did. Haha!
Oh and it would absolutely be a great project I think! If nothing currently exists then it’s something I would absolutely be happy to help work on, if we can get enough interest that is.
Idk, when I used the addon I used it just like I did in vanilla with /who “level” “class” but instead of getting people who didn’t have the time etc. the addon shows me people that want to do the instance.
I had zero intention of using any keywords etc. except for maybe big PvP battles I suppose but honestly I don’t care about the auto invite feature, I’m fine if they break it.
Id rather complain about how ret paladins arent going to be good.
Awesome! Thank you for the clarification. If people want LFG they can play retail. I really appreaciate Blizz working to keep classic an authentic experience.
psst there’s an LFG system in Classic.
Yeah, with who knows what kind of other additions in later versions that would implement other aspects of ranking and quality all with in a addon.
Is there? What does it do?
Meeting stones and innkeepers put you in a queue. Amazing, isn’t it?
Hey, to each their own, if you feel you need the addon to do those things then have at it.
With four DPS? That is pretty coool, I also like how Blizz figured it was a mistake and removed it. Also what do you need the addon for if there is already that function in game?