ClassicLFG addon

They level up faster than him because they dont spen 20min walking around like an idiot trying to find what hes meant to kill.

If he has to waste time so does everyone else damn it its vanilla man how do you not get this by now


how is this addon any different from using discord or the forums to find groups? it makes no sense.

I want to say you’re trolling, but with how the classic purist are I wouldn’t be surprise if you are for real.

You’re still here? Don’t you have a depressing trade chat in retail to sulk in?

after careful examination, it is determined that it is indeed a horse. Although it has been whipped, abused, rolled around and generally beaten, it is a horse.


Level matters in WPVP


why are you still here? isn’t it late for kids to stay up?

Too bad wpvp doesn’t matter til phase 2

Sorry classic-lite peeps but blizzard says that particular add-on doesn’t fit their social design for classic

As GD would say, “It’s their game, deal with it!”

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Alright, lets lower the graphics cap and remove color blind mode.

Yeah, who engages in PVP for fun. That’s stupid.

Celebrations of this caliber carry on long into the night :sunglasses:

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Waste of time in phase one /shrug, I know I won’t bother attacking alliance

Some times, you can also have a three man group of level 2 humans punch a level 10 priest to death.

Already covered

Quest addons just present information, they don’t create an interconnected social network that relies on other players. They don’t affect the people not using them nearly as much as an auto matchmaking LFG addon

Pretty clear difference


I run the game on like 3 with the draw distance cranked and the ground clutter lowish, and the water on minimum.

I’m gonna play around with the graphics while on the first FP so I can get it as close to vanilla as it was.

use your “old school” browser guides everyone has been posting over on reddit. Don’t you have a second monitor? Or wait, was it possible to have two monitors back in 2004?! I wouldn’t know as my computer was a potato back then.

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and this is how we get hackers and creative work arounds…this addon is not going to be broken btw without breaking other addons…it;s obvious blizzard doens;t even know how to yet because they said in the coming weeks after launch code for we need to find a fix but eveyrthign incidated so far is it uses the same channels like DBM and etc use to communicate…only thing going to be broken i bet is the auto invite no one will use anyways in classic like how most don;t in retail except world bosses…

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Change “addon” with “third-party program” and they just described Discord. The reasoning doesn’t hold up.

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Have fun with it. :slight_smile: I myself am probs gunna keep some graphic low, on the stress some older things don’t look right when turned up, like patches of grass.