ClassicLFG addon

10 players means more competition for loot!

People were using Weakaura’s to steal gold, that’s still around

Cool so you admit that you’re out of touch with the reason people petitioned for Classic servers

for now. Muhahahahahah

True, and those priest shoulders were a hot commodity!

API was already changed when classic was ported to the legion engine, so requesting changes to the API is perfectly fine to make it more in line with what the classic experience is all about. BFA still exists so you can play that instead.

Blizzard listened to the community and made a positive change, this will help Classic immensely, thank you!


point is what you were talking about does not happen because of the addon, it still happened without one, people don’t need an addon to not talk, most of the time the group filling part was almost nothing past “I’ll go, Im____”, and nothing stops the group leader from talking with the addon either,but really this is all pointless, they made their decision, you see things one way and that won’t change, and that’s perfectly fine.

Out of touch with what?

You can’t get the community back, it’s long gone, that whole mentality is gone. But even with the addon you still would have to socialize, making groups is the LEAST of the socialization.

“/lfm brd tank, I can tank, ok, hey guys got a tank lets go the instance”

The socializing was done IN the instance. There’s so much more to classic that people wanted then just spamming /4

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At least I have chicken


Please consider limiting the operations if possible of trade skill master. This addon undermines the economics of servers making the “Wild West” feel of auctioning all but dissapear. It further operates by “automating” game mechanics that are a part of the experience that is loved by this community.

Thank you for everything that you do for this community. We the players wish you the best in this intense time.

THE API was more open in Classic then it was in Legion/BFA…as there were add-on’s that literally played the game for you…add-ons are just made better now then before

They’ve already given TSM the ok.

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the old community is coming back, why do you want to stop this?

Did you play on Nost? Let me know what you think in two weeks.

Someone who gets it, Classes felt unique, the world felt alive , dungeons had effort put into the layout, leveling was not just a chore you pay to skip. Spamming “LF1M UBRS” ranks somewhere near the end of the list of reasons why you would play classic.

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For this?!?! LOL.

I am aware. It is just a shame. If we share our opinions it may change their minds even if it is done well after launch it can be for the best.

you many think it’s coming back, but it’ll be just as toxic today as it was back then, and people have some weird rose tinted glasses about how friendly vanilla was, maybe they were on pve servers or something, but Manno was a toxic and elitists wet dream


He’ll be playing on Monday, guaranteed. There’s always drama queens on the forums pretending like everything is the end of the world. And if he actually does quit, nothing of value was lost.

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well no it isn’t, a version of it will be there, but it will not be the same as it was, similiar somewhat sure, but not the same.

and what he said is 100% true, though I would say that on PvP servers you had to do some on the way there.