Anyone that’s upset over this isn’t interested in Classic. Retail is that way ---->
it had no place in Classic. Layering doesn’t below in Classic, either. It will be removed though, so you can’t compare the two.
The dev is highly talented and skilled. If there is a way he will find it. If he stays motivated is another question. If addon developers in general stay motivated is a question aswell. The way the community treated him is a absolute disgrace.
It is identical to Call to arms in almost every way. Not sure what you are suggesting is different, but the things I used Call to Arms for, this addon would do the same.
The influencers freaking out about it did misrepresent it, and many actually lied about its purpose as an addon.
I am confident it will still work well enough though, as the core things it does are just too simple to break entirely without breaking a ton of different addons in the process.
I still would like 1 person to explain how this addon does anything to harm communication or community?
sorry. Its sad but community does matter.
Good. Maybe that will provide enough incentive to halt any future development for addons like this.
Many people really like Classic for what it was, no matter how hard that is for you to believe. Look at all the number of upvotes on the blue post regarding this so far. Looking quite like a majority agree with this doesn’t it?
Enough with the blinded by nostalgia comments. What you feel doesn’t equal what everyone else feels.
How does this addon negatively affect anything?
That is a very silly thing to say, considering its called “trade” chat. That should be all that needs to be said to know that its not “enough.”
I know i will. I have at least 8 people going into Classic with me.
But some of us actually try to think about the community at large.
It doesnt anymore. Next?
Community and group forming are not related in this sense.
Is there a global LFG channel in Classic? Or was that zone-restricted?
I can’t remember.
I agree with you fundamentally, but it isn’t needed. QoL changes in Classic would be neat, but most here are rather set in their desire to see an unchanged Classic experience, blemishes and all.
The addon could scan your and others’ talents, assign you a role, and form a group based on it’s analysis automatically. It fits the description of the types of addons Ion said that the team didn’t want to allow in Classic perfectly. That anyone is surprised that the addon will be broken is, in fact, due to it’s misrepresentation.
You sit here blaming influencers yet you completely ignore the fact that Bornakk says they investigated the addon on their own and determined it didn’t fit with Classic. If you don’t like their decision, fair enough but quit trying to pawn it off on “influencers” when Blizz made the decision after their own investigation.
Great news. Cheers Blizz, glad to hear you haven’t forgotten why Classic had such an amazing social atmosphere.
You’re just being facetious at this point.