Classic/Cata Centaurs > Dragonflight Centaurs

Seriously, for their time period, the design and theme of the Kalimdor Centaur was far better than the Dragonflight Disney ones.

We really got some scuffed, horrible looking Centaur that tossed out a lot of the cool designs for the males and females.

I fully agree there. Granted these centaurs have lived on the Dragon Isles and are bound be less interesting looking.

I think i’m cool with it. Shame they didn’t expand the Nokhud into Primalists or necromancers. :robot::thought_balloon:

They were just a smidge too racist for me in the og. Like they were on thin ice.

The Dragon Isles ones were separated from the others so of course they look different

They were always scuffed. They’re centaurs ffs.

I actually think the Centaurs are the best faction in DF.

I dislike every centaur in this game no matter where they’re from. Gods they’re a boring race

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What bugs me about the new centuar is that:

Scout Tomul was unlikable. Which is a problem when she’s our primary contact with the race

Most of them look like John Cena.

The ones that don’t look like John Cena look like sasquatch and that’s never addressed. At all.

Even at max renown, they’re still yellow (neutral) name plates. What more do I have to do for these people?

They all look terrible.

The designs for the Centaur (and the Djaradin too) are the worst things about this expansion.

I actually liked the lore of Desolace and Maraudon with all the Centaur. It was interesting how their lore tied in with the Tauren.

But the current designs/textures are just :face_vomiting: