Classic WoW was not like this - Not worth my money

In a way the OP is right - Classic is much the same as Vanilla in its substance (questing, levelling, professions, raids, dungeons, etc) but there is a considerable difference between how Classic plays on PvP as against how it did back in Vanilla.

The main reason for that is the numbers.

Say you had 5,000 people on Server X back in Vanilla, and it was split more or less evenly between the factions. Say half of them were under level 60. So half of 5000 = 2500. Half of 2500 = approx. 1200 of any one faction would be wanting to do raids, dungeons or world pvp at cap. So those that are online at any one time would be spread across the world.

But on something like Faerlina now, I suspect you are talking 5 times that number. So even with spread, you still have a much larger number of characters available to make up raid groups to camp flight points, raid entrances, towns, etc. I’ve watched a streamer call out for assistance and have 20 people join up in about 5 minutes flat. Thats 20 people not otherwise engaged and able to jump up and head there. And did we even have streaming and that sort of capability back in Vanilla?

So I get that Classic isn’t exactly like Vanilla, particularly for PvP. I don’t know what the answer is and if Blizzard isn’t looking into it with an eye to improving it, they could be in big doodo.

I think you feel down with Classic cause you’re playing Ally correct? most of the players I know went Horde so to be on the losing side when it comes to population is no surprise why you don’t like it.
Most people I’ve talked to that don’t like Classic as much are Ally but Horde responses seem to enjoy Classic more.
I personally love Classic (I’m Horde a player) more enjoyable than Retail for now that’s for sure.
Maybe give horde a try.

BGs are releasing in less than 3 weeks. If less than a week of awful ganking is enough to instantly make you regret playing the game, there isn’t anything wrong with accepting that PvP servers aren’t for you. Implying that all of Classic is ruined by this, when PvE servers have been practically unaffected, is a bit much. This isn’t even mentioning the handful of faction-balanced servers out there, like Incendius, where the open world PvP actually functions and isn’t a clusterduck at the moment. If you generally like the game, but can’t stand it in the current phase, why not just wait until Phase 3? It’s right around the corner. This one rough patch is nothing more than a miniscule blip in the game’s lifespan.

I mean, you’re objectively wrong, considering the server caps in Classic are way higher than in vanilla, so there are much more players NOW than then, making the problem way worse. Don’t even get me started on artificial population imbalances due to Blizzurrrd’s unrestricted transfers, making the ratios far worse than 99% of Vanilla servers.

Nope. People cry about the population being too high but yet they would never roll on a server like Earthfury because it’s “dead”. Even though it’s supposedly higher pop than vanilla servers. People don’t want solutions, they want to complain.

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Nothing is a trainwreck. Could they have implemented faction caps to fix balance? Maybe. But regardless, this was always an issue on almost every server in vanilla. The only thing they screwed up with this time around was the layering. The only huge negative affect on this game was retail’s influence and current society issues/culture. And are you really going to complain about xfers when most xfers involved people not wanting queue times so they went to low pop servers leaving you with less of a queue to sit through?

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In all fairness to “people,” there are a lot of them, so it’s natural that not everyone will be happy with all the solutions.

Imagine if servers have dedicated “raid or farm days” where PVP servers swapped to PVE on 4 hour rotations. That would suck completely for people who didn’t want it, but might appease some. I wonder if people would transfer to servers like those, if they were made available.

My experience from Vanilla. I always have played on PVE servers. I rolled a hunter but eventually decided I wanted to experience guild life. I found a guild that wanted a healer so I rolled a priest (a very good move). I joined the guild who were a bunch of military guys. They had recently all transferred form a PVP server because it was just too much of a hassle. I was with them for quite some time. I think ultimately lots of players just moved away from the PVP servers and lived happily ever after.

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That was a financial decision made by the suits in charge. That should be plain as day to everyone.

“I run back and spawn as far from my corpse as I can, mount up instantly and get away”

Haha. I’ve seen people try this hundreds of times. Thanks for the honor.

Nonsense. This IS Classic, and it is exactly like Vanilla.

Every time there is a huge change in rules, there is a short-term imbalance FOR A FEW DAYS or a week or two. That happened in Vanilla and every release since then. Classic was UNPLAYABLE in human starter zones on day 1. I spent hours trying to complete 3-minute quests. Finally I gave up. That happened many time before.

In Classic, PVP players have been waiting 3 months to earn honor points. Why on earth are you surprised when they go crazy the very first week? I would be surprised if this DIDN’T happen.

You are pretending. You are pretending that every future week will be like this. Based on that false idea, you are blaming Blizzard.

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sure they are,
but its not day 1 of real classic.

also everyone talks about 1.12, yet when we started this new classic its 1.13?

1 week for bg holy crap

the current races of horde are too monster like for my tastes, hence why i play alliance.

if blood elves had been a choice, maybe.

Did you know night elf use to be troll

Night elves are mutated trolls . Yes, sadly it is confirmed that NE evolved from the intelligent trolls that decided to accept Elune’s gift on the well of eternity. Yes, Virginia, trolls that went and splashy splashy’d in the Well of Eternity caught Elune’s attention and would evolve into night elves

The real issue is the gross over population. There are no zones that aren’t camped by either faction at all hours of the day and night.

As far as faction balance goes, people just enjoy playing horde more, thats nobodies fault, but when you combine that imbalance with a population thats at least 3-4x as many people as the server is suppose to house, the problem gets exponentially worse because no “safe spots” exist, there are people in every single corner of every single zone at every single hour, and THATS the problem.

Even if you were outnumbered 90/10, if the server had the correct population cap, you’d still be able to find places to go and things to do, but not when its 7000 people on a 2000 people server.

What scares people from places like Earthfury isn’t its population NOW, its what its population might be in say…phase 4 or 5. People are still waiting for the population “die off” to come and fix their servers, it might happen, it might not, but if would be a hell of a lot worse to move to a lower pop server and then have it die for real.

Thats been the #1 argument from my guildmates about moving, fear the place we go, really will become dead in a few months.

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Agreed. The new bugs due to the client are horrendous.

Vanish has about a 50/50 chance of doing nothing in pvp and pve. Hunters shoot through it, melee auto attack through it. Awful.

And that’s just one ability…

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If you were on a pve server you’d be waiting on bgs, which won’t happen until the majority faction on pvp servers has had the opportunity to drive every last member of the minority faction from the game.

This guy lacks commonsense!