Classic WoW, the future of RP

A 700 post thread having a fit over RP is a strange way to display that lol

Malvalen seems perfectly confident and secure, I doubt anything you do could affect them. You wouldn’t understand :kissing_heart:


Did you do that yourself? It’s fantastic!

That’s surprisingly thoughtful of you. I don’t believe for a second that you actually care, but interesting that you would say that.

Can’t believe you need me all the way out in Silvermoon. Sheesh. I’m by the fountain in the Court of the Sun. I even put on my favorite King outfit for you.

:sparkling_heart: Thank you for the vote of confidence. And yes, I wouldn’t have posted my RP profile here or have even mentioned my character’s story if I was worried at all what you, Soljeron, or anyone else thinks. I RP what’s fun regardless of what anyone says or thinks about me.

I did, and thank you so much! It was originally just a ballpoint pen doodle on lined paper.


Wonderful work, I really like the Tendrils seeming vaguely Draenic it’s a really nice touch.


And that’s why people like you will always come out on top, while people like Soljeron are posting profiles to his sad little blog to show all 7 other trolls who obsess over it.


you didn’t read my original post, the post is about Classic RP and you threw a fit

after learning that there are people online (in this forum) who treat strangers as seriously as they would in real life, it’s a bit concerning that I’d call for someone with issues to be mocked as I’m unsure of how severely you may react

And what issues, pray tell, are those? What in my posting history suggests that I would be upset with this?

I don’t get false confidence from anonymity.


Come on. Say “triggered.” I nearly have bingo.


As an aside, I’m still in Silvermoon for any who wish to bask in my royal presence.

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So because I introduce a notion that is somehow COMPLETELY new to your mind (The fact humans can and have tried to extend their relevancy by piggy backing on their prior successes…*I mean exactly why do you think rappers do that in their little rap back and forth tis fits known as “rap battles”? Riding the prior success or notoriety is the text book definition of “piggy backing” because to “piggy back” you must be using either another situation or another humans situation, whether it be a success, a failure, or an item that gains popularity/notoriety from prior to the one you currently find yourself in. Doesn’t matter if its YOUR situation or anothers, its still piggy backing, riding the coat tails, milking your fifteen minutes of fame. Call it what you will) English is suddenly questioned as “not my first language.”

You’re right, its not, my first language is called “pander to the idiot” and I do enough of that at my job.

But you? You’re beyond that reach. Don’t have to blunt my words with you.

You’re beyond an idiot. You are the epitome of a neurotic, self obsessed, self denial dwelling imbecile whose sole purpose it seems is to study "how best to make myself look like a possible candidate for “who wants to be a sociopath”.

I mean…whose say’s this kind of stuff?

Yep lets heap on some random attacks about medication and those who need to have it to make their life easier because surprise surprise the human mind, like the human body can be effected by “Illness”. You absolute nut.

It’s…July. And yet that means he’s somehow not productive. Even doing an after school job teaching music to kids still requires work during the summer on top of other subjects that still make a meaningful contribution to society and their personal lives. So maybe not a nut…maybe just outright unable to comprehend the terminology “day off.” You work in finance, so put it in banking terms. He doesn’t have a line at his teller for the summer because its a banking holiday, means no processing need be done. Is that a simple enough explanation for you, you condescending psycho.

You do see the irony in this yes? Only actual keyboard warriors from the chan actually believe in this drool out the corner of your mouth while you inhale deeply in a basement foolishness. It’s in your post…it’s their guild. That implies ownership. That’s like saying even if I work security at a building and you trespass because you’re disguising yourself doesn’t mean I won’t whip your sorry end from here till sunday and then throw you out once your discovered. You’re right Solj, you can indeed attempt to enter. And if they do not discover you, you’ll likely get away with it. Here’s a tip from someone whose worked security jobs. Your kind never gets away with it for long. And when your caught, you get to encounter the other end of your suggestion. The consequence. You know, that reality bending thing in your psyche you just can’t dare to comprehend because you’re ego can not handle the concept of your actions having consequence, only reward.

You’re not in control. You clearly desire to have control over anything and everything you encounter however, THAT much you have made abundantly clear.
Look very close…you want to see someone in control. Here I am. I am now activelychoosing to not use coping mechanisms and just allow the raw irritation and anger issue I have endured for most of my life become the only “language” you’ll be reading from me in the foreseeable future.

Everyone here is just fine dunking on you…but fortunately for you, I’ve hit my limit of patience. I won’t dunk on you.

Instead, I am going to simply hit you with some hard life, reality grounded facts. This is 2019. The technological advances of the human race reach into every single facet of our lives, and the point of “Ooooh I have anonymity” is no longer considered a reasonable excuse to forget your lessens one learns as a human being.

Of all the people here Soljeron…YOU are the Keyboard Warrior. YOU are the one possessed of the Bad Billy Behind the Bluescreen syndrome. Because out of everyone here…YOU are the one who has retained a notion that this server seems to as a whole, and most of the role play community as a whole, tossed away. That being online, you become detached and exempt of your humanity and the consequences therefore.

As I stated…I won’t “dunk on you”. No, since my patience is gone and I can openly admit the type of human being I am after I get to that point…I am going to not simply knock you down a peg…I am going to rend that little wall mounting you hang your ego on off the wall, then chuckle when you come back trying in vain to maintain your control as you try to hang it back up…then I’ll take it down again. Then the wall, then the studs and framing. My new hobby not job, but hobby is going to be deconstructing your entire basis till all that’s left is a door. And then every time you open it up and look about…you’ll never know when I am gonna come back around with the proverbial sledge hammer. That’s the joys of a hobby…its now become an entertainment and therapeutic activity for me to be the “harbinger” of reality for you, so you’ll never know when I just feel that twinge to put you back in your place.


Jesus Jorint, murder is illegal.



Whats that line from Epic Rap Battles from Beethoven?
“I’m committing verbal murder in the major third degree?”

I’ve hit my limit of “coping and self control” with this pathetic excuse of a “human being” we know as soljeron. And honestly forum wise i have little to nothing to lose now.


Why are any of you bothering? He’s a bag of dicks. You’ll never convince him he’s wrong and he’ll never prove otherwise. Anyone who has read this thread so far already knows. The best thing to do with someone this desperate for relevance is to let them starve. He’s already hung himself a dozen times over and all that can happen from interacting is getting yourself tangled up in the rope.

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Simple. I am going to gain entertainment and enjoyment from this. I am rather eagerly awaiting this “fabled” new thread he keeps insinuating he will be writing. Shouldn’t be hard to spot if its on an alt…he tends to peacock himself in a very clear manner like a Lighthouse in a sea of disco balls. It’s almost blinding in its idiocy.

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Truthfully, I’m probably being more antagonistic than normal, but my responses are mainly to show him that I’m not afraid of him or what he thinks.

I’m also incredibly curious about what “issues” he thinks I have (although I’m 99% sure I know what it is).

I know all of this has been said before… probably. I also know that you’re going to disagree, and that is well within your rights. I haven’t been out walking yet, so I’m gonna do an exercise in futility instead.

It’s a hobby. People don’t have to be “good” at a hobby so long as they enjoy it.

Vanilla was just as bad. If not worse. Members of the lost “White Dragon Flight”, thousands of clan chieftains, relatives to Arthas, a 13 headed sentient hydra, people ripping off .hack…

Warcraft is mostly ridiculous archetypes. Don’t know what you’re saying.

Are you blaming freedom? Dirty Commie.

RP is playing pretend. They can still play pretend.

Hardly anyone knew what the hell was going on. Just that a war ended, Hyjal wasn’t on fire, a human prince went craycray, and there was a ceasefire between the Alliance and Horde.

Night Elf Combat Rogues with the eye band were a thing. Most of them were “Demon Hunters.” Still gonna happen.

This actually made me laugh, because that’s always been WoW RP.


From this point forward I read your post in the voice of Liberty Prime. You are amazing good ser.


I mean I guess. I like low-hanging fruit as much as the next guy but after a while it just got too easy. See, in the business world this is what we call dealing with a moron and most of the time those are the arguments that only end up serving to stress YOU out, because they are too stupid to know when they’re bested. No one cares what he thinks about anything so no one else has anything to prove.

Anyway have fun.