Classic WoW, the future of RP

He was almost certainly homeschooled, he doesn’t know.

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you guys make no sense, really trying to reach for burns but it’s cringy

he’s a teacher who posts on video game forums and he’s talking about being productive, that’s the point of my reply, i’m not sure how it went over your head but school being out has nothing to do with my point


Calm down.


i’m trying not to feel embarrassed but the the cringe is too strong with you bunch

Soljeron, oh my god, you need to relax.



help me quinn, i can only withstand so much cringe before i implode

Of all the things for this dude to not know, “teachers don’t go in to work over summer break” is possibly the most surprising.


exactly, and he’s talking about being productive, it makes 0 sense

i hope you can understand that simple explanation ursuola

Soljeron, I can’t understand you when you’re hysterical like this. Take a deep breath.


I’m so flattered! And of course, anything for the fans. Since I have an Alliance and Horde version, I’ll post both.

Here’s his Alliance description:

Mal’valen stands at around 5’10". His ears appear slightly shorter than most Ren’dorei, a testament to his human heritage, with a large golden cuff covering the top half of his left ear. A strange piece of jewelry covers his cheeks as well; it’s the same light violet color as his skin and barely visible unless one looks closely. Long, silky locks of bright violet hair spill down his back, and are accompanied by dark tendrils that swirl with shadows.

The Priest carries himself with a calm, collected demeanor. He stands with perfect posture and walks gracefully on long, elegant legs. An odd scar runs across his neck, providing a rather decent explanation as to why he can barely even manage to speak above a whisper. His lower jaw even appears to have slightly different colored flesh from the rest of his skin, which is an incredibly pale violet hue, darker toward his extremities and around his eyes.

His right arm has been replaced with a mechanical prosthetic that looks at least partially Draenic in origin. The fingers are fully mobile and appear to be made of some type of purple crystal. Something about his left leg seems off, and he has a slight limping gait.

And here’s Horde:

Mal’valen stands at around 5’10". He was obviously not fully Human in life, as can be seen by his tall, Elven ears (though the left one is partially missing) and long, slightly ragged eyebrows. He looks young and fairly untouched by rot, save for a few areas of slightly exposed bone here and there on his arms, legs and chest; the most apparent rot is on his cheeks, exposing the inside of his mouth. Long locks of bright violet hair spill down his back, looking surprisingly soft even in his current state.

The Priest carries himself with a calm, collected demeanor. He stands with nearly perfect posture and walks with the grace of one still living. A long scar runs across his neck, providing a rather decent explanation as to why he can barely even manage to speak above a whisper. His lower jaw even appears to have slightly different colored flesh from the rest of his skin, which is a light violet color.

His right arm has been replaced with a mechanical prosthetic that looks at least partially Draenic in origin. The fingers are fully mobile and appear to be made of some type of purple crystal. Something about his left leg seems off, and he appears to have a slight limping gait.


“Teachers dont work during the summer so they arent productive”

Soljeron’s idiotic statement of the day


More productive than Soljeron’s parents, clearly. None of my students would ever behave this way.


I refuse to let you put this individual in a category I share.


“I’m not mad, you’re mad,” “you can’t understand my genius,” etc. etc.

Tedium upon tedium, hands scrabbling desperately for purchase before slipping into the void. Same as it always is. Same as it’ll be the next time.


Nah, we just teach them empathy and consequences of actions. Not that hard, but too many parents can’t be bothered.

You’re right, that was too broad of an assumption. Homeschooling doesn’t do that inherently. Something else happened here.


It’s very unfortunate to see someone has typed out the phrase “too empathetic,” but that tells me a lot about the kind of person the OP is.

Do what you will with my RP profiles though, Soljeron. I’m happy to share my creativity with others. In fact, here’s a reference picture to go with them:



No but actually, that’s some really nice art.


Thank you! I’m really proud of that piece.

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it should tell you that im in control of my emotions, unlike a lot of these folks… and I was hoping to get a glance at your entire TRP as that is the format of wrasues, if you’re around silvermoon sometime I’d like to take some shots with your permission

actually after looking at another one of your posts this may not be the best idea for your self esteem…