Classic WoW Problem with Modifier macro

This is a weird problem. I have a few shift or ctrl modifier macros for saving some space on my bars. One example is

#showtooltip [modifier:shift] Flametongue Weapon;Frostbrand Weapon
/cast [mod:shift] Flametongue Weapon;Frostbrand Weapon

The problem I’m having is that from keys 1 to 6 on the main action bar, the following happens:

  1. Pressing the button in the UI works.
  2. Pressing the hotkey on the keyboard works.
  3. Holding the modifier and pressing the button on the UI works.
  4. Holding the modifier and pressing the hotkey DOES NOT work.

However, if I place that macro on keys 7, 8, 9, 0, -, = the fourth condition of pressing the hotkey DOES work. Why would it not work for keys 1 - 6 on my keyboard? Is it a WoW thing or something up with my keyboard input itself?

EDIT: NVM Figured out what the problem was. Had Special action bound to SHIFT+1 all the way to 6 in key bindings.

Yeah, by default Shift 1-6 are bound to Action Page 1-6.

Also, you don’t need to hardcode the tooltip, it’ll pull from the cast.

/cast [mod:shift] Flametongue Weapon; Frostbrand Weapon