In this post I will not be discussing the issues that surround the choices of Content such as 1.12 classes, 1.12 dungeons and raids, or even 1.12 nerfed Contribution point honor kill DR’s…
Instead I will be discussing a few points of concern that the present BETA exhibits, and and some potential features that could cause issues later on down the line.
First up, CRBG and while this is a hot topic I do not feel it’s discussed in a way that is pointing toward the facts of the situation so in this discussion I will leave me feelings aside and concentrate only on the factual points.
CRBG’s are suppose to lower the Q times on imbalanced realms or realms where the population is too low to have reasonably Q times.
To me, this points are a positive in its favor, and I think any one that’s logical or reasonable can indeed agree on this.
However CRBG comes with a negative side too, and that is that it does indeed with out question harm the BG community @ Level 60 because the same faces you see both friendly and un-friendly are not a component of the CRBG system (for the average non PVP guy)
Some background on this. My first dive into the Vanilla PVP system took place just after the WSG / AV patch and I can to this day still recall the name of the first player to ever kill me in the Battle grounds, he was a Horde Shadow priest named Marcaroni, and from that day forward I wanted so badly to beat him. It took me 3 months before I had the technical skill and understanding of classes before I could defeat him 50% of the time, and that was the first rivalry I encountered in the BG’s because I saw the same players on the regular… At that point in my WoW history I was not a typical BG guy, instead I was a Raider who got sucked into the BG’s by some buddies who really are junkies.
The point is, the old system PRE-CRBG gave this opportunity for that kind of a rivalry to be possible on the regular to the typical and average player like me. CRBG on the other hand does not do this for the typical and average player because the typical and average player does not frequent the BG’s enough to bump into the same faces frequently.
Because of this you’re less likely to see the same friendly faces and make new friends with people you fight along side of; there is also not the opportunity to form rivalries with your allies in a competitive way, because that was also a real thing at the time.
After the CRBG went live there were tons of new faces and lots of great battles, but none felt like they truly meant anything because even after the battle I never really saw many of them ever again so that feeling of “Will I get him this time” is essentially gone.
This was unfortunately replaced with “OMG it’s a pre-made; we already lost” and this is before the game even started… Worse we could be mid battle and some midiots would be in a E-peen contest about who’s the biggest idiot telling people they lost.
Since the CRBG system I have seen more toxicity because of the anonymous atmosphere that it provides. More people have I watched that are effectively AFK because they just stand there, use bots to play their characters or are cheating in some way; mostly because they know not enough people will report them to get them flagged for investigation.
Regardless of these observations CRBG may actually have a legitimate place in the PVP of Classic WoW.
I can see a good case for CRBG in Two places of Classic WoW.
Level 10 to 59 AB and WSG where the players who’re looking for a diversion from the leveling grind can test their metal in combat and see if they really like that class they’re leveling up.
Select servers that are horribly imbalanced being paired with an inverted imbalance server to clean up the Horde / Alliance ratio between them.
In those TWO situations CRBG makes sense, but I do feel that CRBG should be limited to those situations where Q’s would otherwise not take place on the regular.
Although if I had my way, Blizzard would manually manage the server populations at Level 60 so that CRBG is simply never needed for Level cap PVP.
I can fully understand the CRBG need at 10 to 59, that makes sense, but it does not make any reasonably sense at 60.