Classic WoW Era Realms - Playerbase from Fragmented realms need to be connected as a community

A true RP player can build a home anywhere with friends. You people are masters of improv. (RP is PvE) so… just play on a pvp server if you like pvp… AAAAAND make an RP guild.
You don’t necessarily ‘NEED’ to have your own RP-PvP server. (trust me I get it. I like both pvp and RP) esp when I’m trying to appeal to Bliz with regards to “it’ll be easy, it’ll be cheap” They won’t have to make too many servers. Don’t piggy back on my suggestion :stuck_out_tongue:

1 kid “mommy can I have a piggy back ride?” Mom: "Well… hmm (mom is feeling tired but eh it’s just one kid alright)
5 other kids piggy back on “Oh! Me too me too! I want a piggy back ride! Me me me!”
Mommy bliz is gonna say no now :frowning:

An interesting side take. I also love to RP.

I RP as the slayer of those ridden with the PhReSh disease.

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Can we have any communication at all or?


Try social media if you haven’t already.
Or keep patiently waiting as they seem to be in triage mode at the moment and that may continue for a while.

They genuinely don’t care.


ur totally righy blizz really doesnt care about classic era they will let us rot. If they cared they would of at least acknowledged the issue


Haha, well this aged poorly lol

Blizzard NEEDS to launch fresh servers if they are not going to merge classic era. Private servers will be making a comeback otherwise. There is no home for vanilla players.


what’s the point of doing fresh servers within a year spawn?

why don’t do it every 3 weeks or 20 minutes?

lvl up to 5 and then re-roll another class to lvl 5 in a fresh server.

classic era is fine as it is. it just needs free transfers because no one is going to pay $15 to play an out-dated version if their toon in a dead server.

cloning should had been free from the beginning. that $15 wall ruined classic era servers. but blizzard is fixated on becoming a cash-grab machine, only caring about the present moment of their actions (how much are they going to get from their products/sales in the present moment), instead of creating a long-term investment.

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A lot of people don’t want to play on a Naxx patch forever realm. The best part of vanilla is the beginning mc/bwl patch.


yea, you can say that. but if we are talking about raiding, in every raid before aq40 bosses have 1 mechanic (even trash have more mechanics than bosses) and is doable in dungeon gear with 30 people. super dull & boring stuff.

aq40 & naxx bosses at least need 36 ppl well geared & each one have at least 2, 3 or even 4 mechanics.

blizz had to nerf naxx40 for wotlk to make it way easier than it is right now at classic era.

i would vote to have world buffs removed from raiding. that should make things more even for all classes (which changes the mage/warrior meta for dps) & also will make current content more difficult and challening.


With how low the pop is they need to merge it into 1 worldwide realm


This is my suggestion:

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Agreed, charging people for the service to clone is ridiculous.
No one was going to stay on classic and we can see that now.


Its safe to say that classic era will shuit down becuase they dont have cash shops in it. They want it to die in my opinion, its the only explanation i can think of that explains not giving us free transfer / merging servers / cloning refund/ selling wow rights to someone else / etc…

Yes. If they added this, I would never leave.

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Bump! We’re still here waiting for you to do something Blizz! Get off your rump and merge more clusters!!


I have asked Holly Longdale to provide an update:

You may want to give some respectful support to the tweet (and don’t act like a bunch of trogs).


Should they merge those servers? Yeah.

Will it fix your problem. No.

Fragmented communities in wow are common place. Even on highly populated servers.

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how will it not fix the issue? im so sick of dealing with less than 20 people on my server atleast if they merged now we could form groups