[CLASSIC] Working FD/Trap Macro. Also fix the class, Blizz

Due to the obvious brokenness of FD and other things regarding hunters in classic, I spent a bunch of time looking for a macro workaroud. I seem to have found a macro that now works for me over 90% of the time if I jump, and then spam the macro while letting go of right click. It also works most the time without jumping, but the jumps gives your pet extra time to disengage the target and when you hit the ground your FD and then trap go off from hitting the macro. Also, it helps to have SHIFT+space as the secondary keybind for jump so that you still jump with shift held down.

This macro is a shift modified macro, when you hit the keybind without shift it will drop a Freezing trap normally, when shift is held and the keybind is pressed (you should hit it multiple times while holding shift) you will FD and instantly trap. I literally spent 12 hours yesterday messing with hundreds of variations pretty much meleeing non-aggro turtles to find what worked best.

While this isn’t a fix, it’s a good workaround for me currently and I get traps off in PVE and PVP equally successful.


#Showtooltip Freezing Trap
/stopattack [mod:shift]
/use [mod:shift,combat]!Feign Death
/petpassive [mod:shift]
/petfollow [mod:shift]
/stopcasting [mod:shift]
/use [mod:shift]!Freezing Trap
/use Freezing Trap

Blizzard really needs to fix feign death not dropping combat, swing timers not being canceled on Feign Death, and pet combat status being tied 1:1 with the Hunter’s combat status or we are completely nonviable in PVP.

Also, in vanilla Feign Death would only break on camera movement (right click) when the degree of movement would have moved your characters feet when not Feign Death, which is/was something like 60-80 degrees of movement out of 360 infront of your character. Currently you instantly break Feign Death if you’re holding right click for camera movement and your mouse even registers 1 pixel movement. This is incredibly debilitating for Feign Death. I had to macro my mouse to disable right click when using my keybind for FD/Trap macro just be able to get up quicker and get right back into the fight, instead of having to pretty much take my hand off the mouse and then grabbing it after and repositioning.

When I hit 30 and realized realized like many others now how broken it is, It seriously made me want to just not play.

I played Vanilla, I played PVP extensively. I have 90k Honor kills, over 2000 BG’s played, the vast majority from pre-Cata. I have also been 2400+ several arena seasons pre-Cata. All these people I see here who says it’s working or ‘like it was originally’ are completely wrong, and have literally no idea what they are talking about, are trolling, or were so bad at playing hunter in vanilla they think the bugs are ‘normal’, since that’s what they experienced.

FD/Trap was always instantly able to be pulled off in vanilla and it was smooth. Hunter’s took an extreme amount of finesse in PVP then that seems impossible to pull off now with how clunky everything feels. The class doesn’t feel right and it’s not fun. Please fix it.




For real. Will give this a try.

Any update???

Just hit30 today and it will not working

Bump, I hope they are dropping some bug fixes soonnn. Thx for the macro op!

Bump here. So what Bump understand is that feign death not meant to be 100% work at all times. Enemies can resist (by design).

Which is not the situation being described. In vanilla, casting feign would instantly drop combat, or it would instantly be resisted. In classic, casting feign works on a delay, as on live; you cast feign then wait a second for it to finish the animation and THEN you drop combat or catch a resist.

It means that a faster-than-molasses player has time to retarget you and keep you in combat before you have a chance to drop your trap.

Then, as mentioned, leaving a feigned state is far more sensitive than it was in real vanilla. Holding right click and moving your mouse even one pixel will pop you out of feign, which is also why in classic and on live, if you’re holding right click and cast feign, you can sometimes cause the spell to trigger its cooldown but never animate (and therefore never trigger the combat/threat drop a second later).


I didnt care. I started playing Hunter in BC. In BC, I could lay traps even if I am in combat. Vanilla Hunter is different from BC Hunter. BC Hunter is the best version of Hunter.

Consume my FD just to trap? That’s a bad mechanics.


I use

#showtooltip Feign Death
/cast Freezing Trap
/cast [combat] Feign Death

And it works 50/50 I feel, even if my pet is passive or gets pulled back FD will not drop combat and the trap won’t drop, but sometimes it does.

I hate how blizzard is using the new system for macros, it completely broke how FD/Trap works.

I’ve had it work sometimes in PVP but most of the time I just FD and the enemy just slaps me around.

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This wasn’t fixed until the BC patch. we’re not playing on that patch. Every class has broken abilities in classic. SP’s cant even use half of their abilities in raids b/c they generate to much threat. A SP shouldn’t even spec into it’s “niche” talent vampiric embrace b/c they will never use it in a raid setting. Be happy that the only broken talent you have to deal with is a feign death one. Imagine not being able to use Aimed shot ever…

What? The issue is FD isn’t working the way it did in Vanilla, Classic’s FD has the same issue as FD has had on live for a few years now. It’s not a vanilla bug which was fixed in BC, it’s a live bug which somehow spread to classic; similar to the long delay on pet commands/pet responsiveness, which was present in classic’s beta testing.

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There are literally a gazillion threads on this in the EU forums. Surprised there aren’t more in the US. The issue is that Feign Death takes way too long to drop combat and used to be instant. Some people are claiming “working as intended” or “that was private server bug”, to the point where it feels like PR-speak.

Vanilla Hunter
Classic Hunter

Apparently it was fine in the beta, or so they say, and bugged since release. Dinged 30, rerolling.

I even got a macro to work fine, but feels clunky as hell. That 1-1.5s delay also means anything could strike you or your pet and put you “back in combat” before even dropping combat, so no. Fix needed.


Hello everyone so i had the same issues till i found the fix for this delays and issues with other classes as well. Specially macros that do 2-3 spells/abilities at once. Since your spells are sent in batches due to spell batching. The fix is very simple and works in pvp on my hunter also for my paladins healing is by changing your (SpellQueueWindow)…
So since i smash buttons fast i want things to register as i press them fast so i set my Window near my Ping!

Me having 80 ping i set my spellqueuewindow to 100 and traps get dropped in the same second i faint death including in pvp!

First of all the default is 400ms to check what yours is make a macro
or just type:
/dump GetCVar(“SpellQueueWindow”)
This is to see what your current queue is most likely 400 which means 400ms

now lets say your ping is 70 then try and set it to 90ms by using this command or make a macro for it.
(/console SpellQueueWindow 90) this number can be changed to anything some people like it around 200-250 from 400, which is good for spell casters doing dps or healers… For hunters since we spam our buttons for to get that Freezing Trap ASAP i recommend as near to your as possible just a tad higher then your average ping.

Thats it people you will drop combat instantly and drop the trap right away without that annoying 1-2 second delay in dungeons or in pvp or out questing.

Also the proper macro is to stop attack and in combat variation of the faint death freeze trap while putting pet on passive.
Here it is:

#showtooltip Freezing Trap
/cast [combat] Feign Death
/cast Call Pet
/cast Freezing Trap

this macro works flawless both in pvp and pve and with lowered spellqueuewindow

The reason this works is because both Faint Death and Freeze trap get sent in the same Spell Batch you smashed your macro button :). Thank me later guys

Now as for faint death while moving or jumping in the air that does not work have to let go of your movement keys to do it. However with lower spell queue i never have problem moving around right after FD and dropping the freeze trap because your out of combat and still moving and does NOT get you back in combat since the macro has [combat] and stop attack in it!!! also swing timers from opponents will not get you back in combat either and the trap works 100% of the time in pvp. Unless resisted or on Diminishing return since its shared with Scattershot now as DR. How ever it isn’t bad at all because your kiting anyways and DR resets by that time!


This is just rubbish or what?

This is how the hunter worked in vanilla. I was a hunter main until wotlk…it is what it is