Classic-WoD player returning looking for Guild

Hello All,
I was a raider back from Vanilla- WoD and I quit after that, I have played the beginning of every expansion since then. I am looking for a guild to get back into a community since I am trying to get back into WoW before the Classic release.

I am willing to role any class/faction and I have experience in every aspect of raiding from healing to tanking, just looking for a community to raid with and chill with until the release of Classic. Let me know if any guilds are interested in having a new member willing to role any thing they may need, I don’t have a massive amount of time to dedicate but at least 4-5 hours a night on the weekdays and unlimited time on weekends.


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Hi Dravil,

Pain Palace is a newer guild on Stormreaver-US! We raided together through Uldir and were 9/9 H, and we created the guild to try and consolidate most of our members. We are currently 3/9 H in BoD and looking to recruit more members to push into mythic. We are looking for people who are able to have fun while also making progress. Our guildies enjoy picking on people for sport, though they usually mean well. If you have a sense of humor, are open to feedback, and are willing to learn - this might be the place for you! Currently, we are looking for additional dps (highest need is a lock) and potentially an additional healer (i.e., holy paladin or resto shaman) with a dps offspec. We also try to run keys during the week to help gear members.

RAID TIMES: Saturday and Sunday from 6p - 9p CST

Feel free to either add me on bnet if you have additional questions: Drakaena#1968, or go to our WoWProgress page for the link to our discord recruitment channel. We don’t bite!


<Alliance Lives Matter> Connected Realms- Scilla, Zuluhed, Andorhal and Ursin@@

Currently 6/9M, 9/9H BoD, 8/8M Uldir [ce] , 11/11M Antorus [cutting edge]. We are #1 Alliance on our server group.


Recruitment Needs for Mythic: (Transfer Required) 1 tank (no DH/bear/prot pal) , 1 priest or shaman, 1 ranged dps. 1 dps with strong tank off spec, prefer ww/bm. Potentially 1 stud melee player. Anyone talented regardless of class/spec will be considered. Do not be shy to apply even if you are not one of our high priority classes.

We also recruit normal and heroic only raiders for our normal and heroic raids. We have many awesome less hardcore players that join us for heroic and normal to learn from our mythic raiders. This is a very active and growing guild. Our raiders do not just log on to raid and than disappear.

Guild Goals: To full clear mythic BoD in a timely competitive fashion (US 250 Minimum) [COMPLETED; cut our US ranking in HALF] and all future mythic raid tiers going forward in a quick and competitive manner. We set our goals and then we do what it takes to meet them. We do meet our goals. Period. We started antorus 6 months late and burned our way through cutting edge Antorus. This IS a cutting edge raiding guild with structure and organization.

Raid Schedule
[Mythic] Thursday 8:30pm-10:30pm cst
[Mythic] Sat/Sun 3:30-7:30 pm central.
[Heroic] Tuesday is our heroic night for our mythic raiders/sales run 8:30 central to 11:00pm. This run is optional but highly recommended for gear sharing.
[Heroic] Wednesday- Open to our heroic team raiders, mythic raiders, and mythic raider alts. run 8:30 central to 11:00. This team full clears heroic easily as well.
[Normal] Friday open to anyone 8:30 central to 10:00.

We push people to get 1 heroic clear and 1 mythic 10 plus a week done. This is * required for our mythic raiders. As long as there is forging in the game people should be fishing for titanforges.

More about the guild: We do it all, we aren’t just raiders. We are extremely active guild, the most active on the server, and more active than most servers/guilds. Our people do not just log on for raids once or twice a week. Our average age range is 28-35. We enjoy PvP- arenas, rbgs, bgs, wpvp, Mythic+, achievements. We have a very laid back but like to get stuff done kind of atmosphere when it is not raid time. When it is raid time, we get focused and serious and competitive in a non toxic results oriented manner. Very active and supportive guild filled with awesome human beings. Our raiders are competitive players always striving to better themselves. Flasks and feasts and vantus runes are provided for all progression raiding. We constantly analyze logs and push for improvement. We do not settle for mediocrity in any of our members so by being a part of this guild you will become a better player and person. This is just a small taste of our guild. Please contact an officer to have any questions or concerns addressed.

If you’re interested in raiding with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Nebulaphobia, our recruitment officer.

BTag: Ashe#1789

Discord: Ashie#6243

In Game: Nebulaphobia-Scilla

Lets chat and see if we’re a good fit for each other.

Short version: Mythic Guild LFM Raiders

GM/Raid Lead: Xantoniel#1517 on Bnet or Xantoniel#1979 on Discord

Hey! I’m with the horde guild on Illidan. We’re new to horde and the server, but run by previous top ranked mythic raiders :slight_smile: Not looking to be a CE raid team just AOTC. Looking to create a one shot, get stuff done group that loves to have fun and be casual about the game, yet progress quickly with top notch players who just don’t view this game as a job anymore. We raid Tue/Wed 10pm-1am server (CST).

We’d be more then willing to have a new(er) player to work with and teach about the game and it’s changes thus far. We’re very helpful, fun loving, mature, just looking to create a tight knit smaller guild. No mass guild invite or any of that nonsense :wink: If we sound like a good fit add me on btag! Sýphira#1723

Imminent Failure is an adult raiding guild that focuses on raiding productively with a casual schedule. That being said we are looking for players who are interested in raiding with us.

We are running a three day schedule (ALL TIMES ARE CST):
Tuesday - 8:00 - 11:00
Wednesday - 8:00 - 11:00
Thursday - 9:00 - 11:00
Please keep in mind that with we are looking for members to be able to commit to those days!

As of right now our goals are to clear mainly through Heroic and prepare for the next raid tier (8.2). We will continue with progression as we can but are looking to build a solid raid team for the next tier.

I would be happy to share further details over bnet chat. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you are interested in our team.



Dirty Looks" is recruiting members to join us!
We are a casual guild who likes to have fun and enjoy each others company.
We are a family guild with tons of friends. We like to joke around and mess with one another.

We have discord and if you feel like you want to chit chat, we have plenty of talkers!
We like to run mythics and help gear up fellow guildies!

We put a group together for normal runs for raids. We are 8/9 on normal. We are looking to recruit people to join us so we can start Heroic progression.

We are looking to recruit a Holly Paladin/Shaman/rogue, and a DH.

Feel Free to add Sverraa#1575 on discord if you have any questions!

Remember, it aint all about them looks! :smiley:

Hey Dravil, it looks like you’re looking for a community to get involved with in BFA. Not sure if you have a home yet for Classic, but we’d love to welcome you to OMG if you’re interested. Mostly we are a large gaming community that plays everything, and most of our members who are planning to play WoW Classic are probably gonna play horde, but if you’re interested, check out our recruitment post and feel free to get in touch. I promise you wont be too disappointed :stuck_out_tongue: