[Classic] <Willingly Suboptimal> [A] [PvE] Recruitment

Spell power Rogue with throwing wep is clearly the master race of RDPS.

We must fill a raid of 30 of these rogues, with a few tanks and healers.

It will be the new meta.

Shout out to coffee.

Also looking for exceptional players for all raid teams to join us on our adventures!

Our late night team should be themed around meme speccs. Like a fire mage in MC, an arcane missile spam specc, a warlock pet master, a dagger fury warrior, a shockadin, a dual wield melee hunter, etc.

It would be fun. I’d like to cast my vote in favor of that motion.

Hello friends! Friendly bump still on the look for exceptional players for all raid teams! If you have any questions please join our Discord and inquire !

How many cups of coffee does everyone drink before being an adult?

Good morning bump!

Do you have more of those blue posts? I need mah fix. XD

If you could have any one item to drop off any boss which item and why?

Mage tier 2 gloves. 1 year of clearing BWL in OG Classic and they never dropped. N-E-V-E-R. Idc about Rivendare mount, ZG mounts, etc. I want my goddam Tier 2 completed.

What was your favorite boss in Vanilla? If not in Vanilla which expansion and why?

I personally love Patchwerk and Brut big DPS checks which lets your epeen shine bright like a diamond.

Dungeon boss? Darkmaster Gandling. The encounter just felt so on edge because younever wanted to be the guy sent to one of the rooms.

Raid boss? Nefarian. It made want to be able to polymorph ennemies into giraffes and worms. It would be so fun.

Looking for more exceptional Locks/Priests/Druids! Feel free to message and officer on Discord or just reply to the forums!

P.S If you play WC3 we need more people for ORPGs and Terraria

Thank you

Looking for more exceptional players for all raid teams!

I need some more priests in my life.

Good morning bump !

Bump to the top

We will be giving out Benedictions like candy on Halloween. Join us for your free candy, and come in my van. :slight_smile:

Costco is having a sell on Redbull and coffee come join me friends in playing Classic.

I’ll take the Retbull please, not a fan of coffee.