Classic will fail due to layering - quote me on this in 2 months

im glad you found a game you enjoy, really. I just find it silly to complain about layering when it’s temporary. I just hope you werent looking for sympathy with this post, theyre about done with the beta, even if this post was made to get blizzards attention, its far too late.

Best of luck to you.

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You should get used to the real world. Many people will have different opinions from you and will not always do things the way you want them to.

Anything that requires me to click away from the Game is a distraction that is to be avoided. 2nd Monitor is for WoWhead and 3rd is for Netflix.

I don’t think he is going to play BFA or fortnite with you.

That’s good, because I’m not going to be playing Fortnight or BFA either.

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Speak for yourself regarding layering.


You just made that up without bothering to check whether it was true or not. What is the point of talking to you?


Someone needs a blog.


“Kind of hard to do that when blizz doesn’t care if 10’s of people play. Remember this is because “it’s an important part of gaming history”.” If you ACTUALLY believe this, I don’t know what to tell you. Corporations act based on money. Blizzard wants as many subs as they can get off this. They are not doing it to be altruistic.

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Those Streamer servers will be nothing like Vanilla after 2 months. 10,000 players on it playing regular? And what happens when they all come back for pvp rank grind? Whoa!

Maybe it’s not bad, but it’s definitely going to be different than Vanilla.

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Checked steamcharts just now for no manys sky.

4900 players currently.
212k peak

Yeah, everyone bought it at launch, me included. Played it a week and never went back. That is why it is one of the best selling - a lot of people bought it based off what they hoped it would be.

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Unless there are laws involved. It’s not like “Well, they aren’t my friend!” will hold up when someone is caught bootlegging a game. (like if you don’t own wow and downloaded the files from a 3rd party to play on a Pserver)

Sure you could use the game you purchased, that wouldn’t be against the law. BUT it is against the EULA and could get your account banned and the right to use their platform revoked.

Luckily, I think the people who are dedicated enough to the game that they are willing to tolerate an unfortunate but necessary inconvenience like layering outnumber the people like OP who are not as dedicated. So Classic should succeed in spite of them.


Yep, but I think you will be wrong. We’ll see when august comes.

So your logic is: “If they dont keep at minimal the amount of people they got from launch day over a course of a year: it’s a game that went down the drain and is now a bad game” Nice


It’s all speculation. We’ll see what happens. I think it has potential to hurt the game in some ways and help the game in many others. I’d rather have some layering the first couple weeks of launch than a 2hr Q to log into the game.

If this isn’t the biggest launch in the past few years for an mmo, the genre is dead. That is my opinion. If the numbers aren’t amazing you will never see another old school mmo again by any actual developer.

:rofl: Those streamer servers will be nothing like your twisted dreams after 2 months.

No streamer is going to hold the attention of 10,000 people in game. They’re going to be sick of not being able to log in, and will be rerolling away from the streamer.

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The legal fees they save alone will make it worth it for blizz. They are planning on this having a shelf life. This is why they are doing layering. This is why it does not matter to them.
The subs they get and the exposure to their other products is worth more than 24 months worth of your sub. Lol.