"Classic will be hard"

Any friends who didn’t play vanilla but picked WoW up later have gotten max level in retail & done at least basic raids/dungeons & gotten all mounts.

Yet none of them hit 60 in classic.

WoW isn’t hard… but classic/vanilla harder than retail.

F your “mythic plus” bs no one here cares about it.

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i’ve rerolled many times and just decided a few days ago to make my nelf priest. i deleted my other higher level toons on this server. i have alts as well. i am not in a rush because that’s not why i’m playing classic. i have 19 level 120s. i enjoy the journey.

Questing is hard in retail? What are smoking I need some.

Please log on your classic toon watching others makes you point of view void.

I played both versions and raid to mythic.

It’s not hard but LFR I went there trying to wipe for fun that was difficult.

questing as a shadow priest in retail is much harder than in classic. for instance. and i’m talking specifically about priests. obviously on a melee or warlock it’s not difficult though.

LFR is not harder than Mc. I got drunk with a few of my buddies and that was hard to try to wipe.

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I play retail with my younger kids.

I actually love both versions of WoW for different things.

Ill borrow my older daughter’s view: retail boss fights are more challenging, fun and rewarding from a gameplay perspective, and progressing is way too easy, too short and then an unfulfilling grind. The younger kids still stop for pet battles ofc.

Classic progression is largely a grind from the outset, but more fulfilling as you go.

Classic isn’t hard, I agree, but props to anyone who puts in the time.

Pvp (both wpvp and bg) honor is the perfect example: farming hp is not hard, per se. Most fights outside small skirmishes are not challenging, and you eventually get rewarded for playing x hours and not sucking.

I mean, you dont even keep the Grandmaster title if you get out of your chair the following week…

this is my classic toon btw. and notice i said so far. i am not saying it’s easier forever. but bubble and wand and healing dungeons is ezmode.

Remember when someone said the sun wasn’t really hot on its surface and could support life? I don’t, but you know that the nature of humankind mandates that at least one of its members make this claim.

Keep going you’re lvl 23 but more awaits you.

Try not pug certain dungeons ZF/strat UD
At least get a good tank you will be ok.

If you want experience MC get with a guild doing progression in it. If you get one that has it on farm you are just being carried. It’s not hard but some guilds are still progressing on it.

On average it takes them 3 weeks to a month to get 10/10. If they just started on Mc.

So is it hard nah about normal difficulty not a big deal.


The sun is flat. You can totally live on the dark side, bruh

Classic’s fun, not difficult. :cow:

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1.12 rag :((

No one said that. Everyone said he’d be down in a week due to everyone knowing how to min/max exactly what to do.

No one said MC was as hard as a Mythic raid.

There are a lot of guilds struggling to clear content, still. It is what it is. Why can’t you just let people enjoy the game? If you like retail so much since your’e always shilling for it…just go play on retail. Yikes my dude.

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Laugh all you want about us " classic players " but we aren’t the ones crying about pvp and QoL changes. Check mate son.

i’ve been mostly playing classic recently and finally have the toon i want to progress. i am playing on ateish alliance with a friend. i enjoy both. but retail in general is much more difficult than classic is.

It is hard in exactly the way people thought it would be hard. It’s grindy to level, you don’t have a bunch of “oh crap” abilities to get you out of a jam when you make a mistake, and things of that nature. No one was wrong.

is retail hard?

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go kill zul on lfr and then rag on classic and tell me which is harder.

Just saying, I see a lot of retail players post about how classic is easy or worse than bfa when they either haven’t hit max or experienced enough of the game. Aside from mythic stuff everything else in retail feels handed to you just for showing up or paying the sub. Anyone can reach max in bfa in a relatively short amount of time.

Which is easy lol.

Just like basic raid mechanics in retail :open_mouth:

Also false. Choosing to be on a pvp server is player created difficulty. Not the game itself fault.