Classic warrior macro help

Just curious if someone could help me get this working. I get the error that its been blocked by the blizzard UI or something.

Charge Macro: /run local texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1); if isActive then CastSpellByName(“Charge”); else CastSpellByName(“Battle Stance()”); end;

This macro will Charge if you are in Battle Stance. If you are not in Battle Stance, it switches to Battle Stance. (Two press macro)

Can’t cast spells using lua

/cast [stance:#] Charge; Battle Stance

Replace # in stance:# with the correct number for Battle Stance.


Thank you this helped so much. Is there a way I can add if its usable it switches. If its on CD it wont?

Pins are your friend.

Hey, so I was wondering about how a couple of other vanilla macros for warrior would be written in classic. The first being a start attack macro, which back then was written as:
/run if not IsCurrentAction(19) then UseAction(19) end;
/run CastSpellByName(“heroic strike”)

with the auto attack “spell” button but on action bar number 19.

And the last one being a macro that when you press it in Battle or Defensive Stance casts Shield Bash, and when pressed in berserker stance casts pummel, which was written as this:
/run local texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if isActive then CastSpellByName(“Pummel”); else CastSpellByName(“Shield Bash()”); end

Also, while I don’t know how it was done in old vanilla, any idea how to write a macro that switches you between a two hander, and a one hander and shield?


/cast [stance:3] Pummel; Shield Bash

/equip [noequipped:shields] 1h_Weapon; 2h_Weapon
/equip [noequipped:shields] Shield

I wanted to jump in a give you my favorite macro for classic.

#showtooltip Charge
/startattack (…awesome line that starts your auto attack, use it on everything)
/cast battle stance
/cast battle shout
/cast charge

This macro will cast battle shout the second you charge as it has no GCD. Unfortunately, I haven’t found a way to not cast battle shout if it’s already active, and I don’t think there is any way to. So, if you have rage you will cast battle shout no matter what. Be careful spamming this if you’re not in range with charge.

you saved me! This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

Can I write a macro that casts charge if out of combat and uses intercept (if in the correct stance) ?

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/cast [form:#_for_stance] Intercept; Charge

Thank you! Too limit how much I bug you about this, do you know of a good site or list with a lot of macros already written?

There’s macros all over the place, some are well written others aren’t. There isn’t a specific centralized website for them (aside from these forums)

You’re better off reading the pins to understand how they work and writing your own.

My personal macros for each class are linked at the bottom of the above post but some are a bit dated (Legion) and they’re all built for Retail.