Classic versions of Monk/ Demon Hunter/ Death Knight

I would argue dk’s ruined wow


There’s no balance in classic so it would just be equally unbalanced as it’s always been.

Same thing adding classes has always done. A fresh experience. Some of us have already played every vanilla class to 60, we know what to expect… making us level again with a couple flavor abilities doesn’t scratch the itch of a brand new class.

Tbh id love to see vanilla monk, it would behave like something we’ve never seen before in WoW history, I’m not the biggest fan of death knight or demon hunters but they would be great faction restricted classes and again seeing the vanilla version of these classes would feel like we got a complete version of vanilla( demon hunter is literally on the box)

To me the best direction for Classic would be to make a complete version of the game. When wow was made they needed to reach a deadline, imagine if they got to completely finish the game with no scraped races or classes. That’s the version of Classic i want to play.

You and Lore can play retail.

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Almost everytime I see a retail player type this, they played from like 04-06, never played a pserver, and then again did some raids in 2019 and got bis then quit.

I hate to say it, but those players do not actually know the classes or vanilla, they are just retail tourist. Often keyboard turning, in suboptimal specs, having zero idea how to cc in pvp and crying for a timer in WSG. There were tons of them in SoD as well.

Very few players have actually played multiple classes in vanilla at the top level. Most just think they are good and quit as soon as they realize how much they actually have to learn to be good at vanilla.

Btw vanilla endgame is WSG, world pvp, parses / speed clears, - in that order. Everything else is just warmup.

People who want new fun ‘adventures’ should just play retail. Vanilla is a serious game that has depth and nobody plays perfectly because it is actually hard and expressive, changing it just turns it into pointless treadmill games like tbc, wotlk, sod, and retail.

The problem is blizzard and most wow community fails to understand what made vanilla good, so they will just end up making retail not completing vanilla.

First they need to spend a decade actually playing vanilla, making small changes that are inline, and actually learning what makes the game good.

Or else they will keep making different shapes and flavors of SoD.

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Yes cause in classic it was about the journey, adding something like a brand new class to that leveling journey is a positive to the classic experience.

Ive gotten Hunter, Warlock, Warrior and Shaman to 60. Have zero interest in playing mage, priest or druid in vanilla.

This is wild cause playing hardcore was about a fun adventure and it felt more like vanilla than classic ever did.

This is my thinking as well. I tried SoD all through P1 and I saw the train wreck it was going to become. I definitely had some fun but it went way too far with the changes in my opinion.

Let’s hope someone is taking notes and we can all learn a bit from mistakes made.

Hardcore is amazing because it isn’t full of gimmick such as new classes that reduce balance and add nothing, QoL, powerful abilities, etc.

It is just vanilla but a tiny bit harder.

The only downside of hc is no pvp - but it is top tier leveling experience and allows one to get much more intimate with Azeroth than on a regular server.

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Different folks, different strokes. I feel like death knight (after wotlk launch chaos) are the only class added to wow that DIDN’T ruin the game.

Every class since has fundamentally changed how the game operates. They gave out way too much mobility to the new classes and had to compensate the older classes in return. Which has caused what retail is today; dbz characters flying and teleporting all over the screen with explosions going off every 2 seconds. Warriors with 100% up time, double jumps, paladins farting horses, zip dash glide, torpedo rolls and portals/gateways.

Did you press your gap closer at the wrong time? Don’t worry! You have 7 more. No need to manage your cooldowns! Just slam your pve rotation, 9 times out of 10 it’s automatically bringing you to the target anyway.

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that even leaked into Era for a few hours.

While it was OP, it instantly made me hate my paladin, it just felt wrong.

It just makes no sense. It’s lazy to have no animation where it gallops up to you, but really the spell fundamentally doesn’t work when you think about paladins in Warcraft. The reason it needs to exist is because of the insane mobility they’ve added since monks. Even then though, they could make so many cooler ideas that fit the correct theme.

Having it in era should have been a criminal offense.

Paladins summoning horses i thought was more of a homiage to Warcraft 2 paladins literally being on a Horse.

I personally don’t think the spell is that hardly forced in the lore and in War Within, Paladin can basically use a permanent steed with the hero talents.

The concept of Paladins summoning Hammer and Blade of light, is reminiscent of the rest of their abilities? Paladin function on faith and basically have psuedo green lantern abilities. Summoning a steed of light really isn’t that far fetched.

Retail has shown that nothing is too far fetched in the magical world of warcraft.

Any spell that cannot pass the ‘does it improve pvp’ vibe check should be thrown in the trashcan.

Paladins function off of the Light, the light has been letting them summon light constructs since Vanilla.

I wouldn’t play that game. Definitely wouldn’t play it if demon huntards were in the game.