Classic Timewalking

Is classic timewalking going to be available for the entirety of the 20th anniversary event? I didn’t have enough timewarped badges to buy everything.

I hope it rotates because these dungeons are icky.


If you don’t like strat, quit wow


Yeah. Definitely forgot about how bad some of those dungeons were in Classic…especially the dire maul wings


They said it would be available for the entirety of the event iirc. They’ve let timewalking last more than one week before on special occasions, like the release of Legion timewalking

I believe it’ll be active for the duration of the Anniversary event. Afterwards, it’ll go into the normal TW rotation.

Those wings are quick now. But they need to fix it so that Prince Tortheldrin is the end boss and not Immolthar. He’s needed for quest completion for the weekly. But Immolthar is the end of the dungeon. This has been a problem for ages.

They had time to revamp the requirements to finish the place, but still didn’t fix that. It’s mind boggling.


Running that place with just 2 characters sucks already. Don’t want to get that dungeon again on my other alts. I did get deadmine once which was refreshing and also Zul Frank

I didn’t even Deadmines was part of it! I haven’t seen it. :slightly_frowning_face:

It is! Bag Armageddon though, since all the humanoids have 6 and 8 slots, haha

yea got it last night on my hunter. It was the last one for the weekly. I was surprise they didn’t forget deadmines.

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Hope so. Using it to level some characters :popcorn:

Ikr? The amount of times I keep getting Strath, I only gotten Deadmines once.

ZF is easily my most fun one, especially with s tank that mass pulls

I can assure you the dire maul wings you did in timewalking are not the same as they were in classic by a long shot.


I am actually legitimately upset that they didn’t include the original Wailing Caverns!

I LOVED that place, before it got cut in half (and again when Cata dropped). My sister and I used to run each other’s alts through WC over and over. We had a foolproof method for getting through the original WC without getting lost.

If WC is in the rotation, then oh well, I was dumb and missed it! :grin:


They said it will be here for the whole 10 weeks, and then be added into the annual rotation.

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I wanted the original Sunken Temple myself. But it is what it is.


These aren’t the original Classic versions, though. They call it “classic” Timewalking, but it’s just the revamped Cataclysm versions of the dungeons.


Nope ends Next tuesday look at calendar, Unless they change it but doubt it its blizzard

Deadmines seem to be classsic Cata had monkeys, there where no monkeys, and cookie was down below not uptop like cata

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