[Classic] The unacceptable state of Classic servers

It seems like realm mergers are being avoided as a possible solution long-term as much as they were during classic days. The issue regarding Skyfury seems like it could be solved by having a second realm, and if the population does drop to unsustainable levels, simply merging the realms. Is there a specific reason why this option does not seem discussed?

I ask this in tandem because the main concern I have seen is the risk involved that the new realm of receiving transfers will become underpopulated with time, and be left in a poor state, resulting in a poor experience; if those players considering it were able to believe that the realm would be merged should it get too sparse, it may also remove a barrier of entry to the concept of Transferring.

One of the main concerns I see from Couch-Server-Engineers seems to be that retail works with larger players on a server, so why not implement some of that technology; While I personally don’t think it viable, it may be useful to address that reasoning to help quell some of the negativity surrounding this situation.

Thanks again @Aggrend for maintaining an open dialogue on these server issues, and I hope that this kind of communication becomes a much more regular and reliable part of Blizzard’s policy going forward. This kind of communication may generate negativity to start, but it absolutely gains player trust over time, and the brunt points provided is a very welcome addition to the discussion.

Lastly, I do want to address some of the readers of this forum/reddit; I’ve seen a lot of people who simply state “Blizzard wants our money” or similar comments. I’ve known quite a few Blizzard employees over the years, and I have yet to find one that isn’t truly passionate about their games. Whether you believe that or not, it doesn’t change the state of the current issues, so the best we can do is to be constructive towards a solution as a community and as a team for the game we enjoy. As a community, lets focus on keeping this conversation positive, healthy, and pointed towards a solution, rather than the alternative.