Classic SoD mobs need to hit like trucks. Also should have a 20% boost in HP

Well, the the crowds from Vanlla, TBC, and Wrath are fairly different. Pre beta Classic Vanilla forums if you mentioned guild banks, you’d been told to go back to Retail. Now we have Wrath and it’s pedal to the metal towards Retail.

It’s pretty interesting to say the least. Watching the players change as it went from Classic Vanilla to Wrath. It’s deja vu.

Name the talent tree that isn’t viable in classic.

There aren’t any, all of them are regularly used.

They aren’t all optimized for RAIDING, but people use others for PVP, or soloing, or whatever.

There’s nothing fundamentally wrong with them. But unfortunately a subset dumb people have been trying to force round pegs into square holes since the game released, and then loudly crying when it doesn’t fit.


Tinkering with the trees is not something I’d personally like to see. Adding the runes is a good way to give us a pool of skills to choose from without altering the fundamental talent trees.

Yes, this way mages can be at an extreme advantage vs any other class.

There has to be a health boost to all mobs. 20%-50% doesnt = just wailing away, chipping at the hp of the mob. The damage abilities we are getting are substantial. Ranged classes will just tear through classes.

Add an HP buff, Bliz.

Then now they have to work on class resources. Players will go oom a lot more and have to drink more. We know mobs will be doing more damage, so healing will be more necessary. Potions during fights. Eating between.

It just opens up the door to a lot more tuning and adjusting. Or just identify SoD as a project where the combat is a bit different. It’s more a race to kill the enemy than a prolonged battle.

Im a ret player since forever, does ret look like a finished spec in classic? Does the paladin tree look finished?

Hopefully they ease in to the buffing, it’s not like we are starting out with all of these runes.

In Classic, no. In SoD, you will probably be incredibly OP with the changes so far.

Ret is an extremely popular spec, particularly in PVP. It does not do high RAIDING dps, but it was never meant to. Arms warriors also don’t do great raiding DPS, despite warriors being one of the most popular classes.

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I asked if it looked like a finished spec. Watchin my autoattack timer, waiting on seal procs is not my idea of a finished spec.

So you’re never casting freedom, hoj, wrath, heals, bop, judgement, or any other spell in pvp. Just autoattacking.

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Not if you have a good shaman on the other side :rofl:

right now Im doing all of that plus my normal rotation that includes passives, procs, generators and spenders. Since you dont wanna say it Ill say it. Ret is not a finished fleshed out spec in classic. That doesnt stop others from enjoying it but to me that was one of the main reasons I didnt botherwith classic.

So no utility spells, no peeling for team, no off-healing. Sounds like a “you suck” problem.

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Ret gets laughed at in PvP. Any other spec is more valuable to a team comp than ret.

I find these ad hominem and straw man attacks to be really destructive to the faction balance conversation. People have not even rolled their faction yet. This is as unbiased as this conversation will ever get. The fact that people pointed out that the imbalance was “obvious” does not mean they were acting childish by pointing it out. In retrospect, I think even the devs would agree that things were slanted hence there willingness to make changes asap.

Futhermore, this assertion that we are all “fools” for making judgements about what we see is silly and strange. The gameplay to 25 and while at 25 will be relevant because we are all going to spend time playing it. Something coming after doesn’t change that the time spent with that game state is not important.

Further futhermore, this comes off as gasps and pearl clutching. Why would anyone assume on faith that the devs are going to “fix it later” if the GLARINGLY obvious imbalance NOW isnt even obvious to them. If they couldnt see the problem with the demo, that is evidence of their inability to spot problems and decreases player faith. Nothing about these observations is childish.

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It was over your head.
I’ll use smaller words next time.

Seems like some people including the OP wants a bigger challenge. You can have your challenge by not using new runes, going to zones you are underleveled, unequiping gear, not putting points into talents, or any other number of ways. The begging to make all the normal mobs hit like elites and have as much health as elites, the elite mobs being dungeon bosses, and dungeon bosses being raid bosses is silly. People won’t be getting all the runes as soon as they start a character and they won’t be geared in BiS items either. Slow your roll with nerfing player power relatively to enemy power.

Edit: You tryhards are in a small minority. No way is Blizzard going to cave to your ridiculous demands. They know people will stop playing SoD if most people keep wiping on level 1 wolves and level 1 boars. I understand that is what you want but you’ll be a few people playing on dead SoD servers if you get your wish.
