Classic SoD mobs need to hit like trucks. Also should have a 20% boost in HP

I’m referring to HC, where layers are…beyond out of control.

lol, no i was explaining timescale.

it makes the game require more ‘skill’. I use to do this with quake 3.

Yeah I agree with you there.

When they released HC they had a similar function for era layers and it was horrible. But we revolted on the forums and they fixed it.

So you want everything to move 20% faster, spells to cast 20% faster, GCD to be 20% less, etc. - no need to mess with the clock they can just speed up everything if they wanted to.

They could also mess with the clock but that would simply just make it hard to align with other people in the game at a specific time.

No, not sure heroic raid gear works in vanilla imo.

Im not classic player but I thought “trying to balance and make everything viable” was a mistake they made with retail and that classic didnt have to be that way. But now people are asking for balance? People are asking for equal class representation? I thought minmaxing was a retail thing that took the fun out of the game. I thought classic was “the journey” not the endgame.

HP I totally agree but a blanket increase in how much damage mobs do would probably cause issues with some classes in some areas. I don’t think they would have the time to tune every existing enemy’s damage.

Now you understand why classic+ will never truly stand a chance.

Vanilla has been a super popular game for 20 years and yet ppl want to balance it and make it all completely even. Yeah gl with that.

SoD will be fun until 60… after that when we return to MC and bwl it’ll be a mass exodus. Nobody wants to do those awful raids with every class being the same damage. Boringggg

They have plenty of time. No-one knew about or asked for this game mode before blizzcon. What’s the rush?

that doesn’t mean just mucking everything up to an insane degree without a care for balance is a good thing :expressionless:

X for doubt.


I certainly believe every spec should be viable and every spec should have a place in the game. But classic wasnt like that and I know that was the appeal for some.

My comment was more of a knock on those who hammered retail for years… for the exact same things they are asking NOW for SoD. Things like class balance, min maxing were things people pointed at when they called retal trash. So it is very amusing to see them argue for the things they eere against.

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Except for Rogues and Warriors, none of the other classes will be able to even capitalize on their runes. They just dont have the mana to support it.

Look at Priests. Theyre getting things like barrier, penance, and pom. Those sound great on paper, but you wont be able to do anything but cast Heal with the 5 second rule anyway. If you starting using your new toys you’ll be OOM in seconds.

There isn’t any balance in classic era and yet that’s the game you swear to the death on?

Soo shouldn’t that be a good thing for SoD? No care for balance… just as vanilla is.

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Looking at the tank runes, threat is unlikely to be a problem. No one will want Salv.

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Salv is cope.

so you think because we like how classic is imbalanced in some ways, that means you can just do whatever you want with the classes and make them OP without a care in the world about the consequences? :roll_eyes:

Correct yes.

Spirit of classic baby!


It releases in 2 weeks.

