Basically they took something that was rather well crafted with careful balance, and then added a bunch of haphazard changes without thinking how it affects other things. And now they’re progressively breaking other things to try to fix it, compounding the problem further.
Because, you know, the devs are clearly completely incompetent and put no actual thought or care into this.
There will be a lot less disappointment when people realize that companies don’t give 2 craps about quality as long as it brings in money. So if throwing garbage together into a new game will bring profits, they’ll do it.
Its disingenuous to say the Classic Dev team doesnt give a crap about Classic WoW. The people at the presentation from all appearances seem to love WoW as we do and understand their role as caretakers for CLassic.
Thats why I am hopeful the Devs will understand the role tougher and more dangerous mobs have in the leveling experiment. The game is more fun and immersive when you are forced to respect the mobs.
Lazily shoving in talents from future expansions with no care for faction balance, class balance, world balance, pve/pvp balance, etc. and trashing numerous carefully balanced and setup systems screams incompetence. They were seemingly baffled that giving WINDFURY TO ALLIANCE without any compensating buffs to horde was a problem, and had to backtrack and give kings to horde earlier in response to public ridicule after only a few days (which still doesn’t remotely fix the problem they’re introducing, as paladins are still vastly stronger and they gave one of the horde’s main selling points to alliance; there’s still no salv). Yeah, seems like they understand the game.
They can say whatever they want, actions speak louder and they have no care for vanilla classic and exhibit no evidence they understand how people actually play it and the issues that exist.
They give a crap (or at least pretend to) about it because that’s how the company makes money. You don’t create hype for people to by your product, if you don’t put up the front. If you ask one of the Lead designers whether they’d rather make an addition 50k a year vs putting a cool new feature in WoW, which one do you think they’d choose.
I played the demo and it sucked as a mage was wanding most of the fight and very soon
Mana management is still going to be a factor, its still classic.
you’ll still have to eat and drink constantly
These abilities damage numbers wont be 1-shot abilities lol, chaos bolt is big spell, but it could also cost a load of mana, which means more downtime.
I hope your right. Just me, but Classic is just a name. If i were to guess, Classic to Blizzard just means “The old world”. Everything else is fair game. My biggest fear is that they’ll turn into some form of Wrath or beyond, but in the old world.
100% agree. I heard them only say that mobs were getting a damage boost, but I don’t recall hearing anything about an HP boost. I really hope they add an HP boost to mobs as well. As others have already said, doesn’t matter if they hit hard if we can 2 shot them. Especially if you’re a range class.
They were “baffled” that some of the adults screeching like infants needing a nap did not realize that the team hasn’t shown everything so Aggrend had dad duty to soothe you.
Mostly they’re so incompetent they couldn’t predict that leaving imbalances like this permanently warps the faction balance.
It is convenient for them when people such as yourself act like braindead shills and allow them to be lazy though.
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people picking faction/race based off the current 1-25 runes will probably re-roll anyway to the next min/max FOTM race/class when they add stuff in later levels lol
There’s literally zero in any of the data that would make any mix/maxer do anything but alliance at any point. They took the stronger faction and made them dramatically stronger with the faction defining buff of the other. Kings does not undo the underlying imbalance that already existed. If you think it does you are not a serious person and do not understand the game.
slow your roll
players don’t have all the data
could you use a hug?
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you people seriously expect them to somehow balance everything now that they added all these retail runes?
it’s not gonna happen
everything will be braindead easy, mobs will pose no challenge. that BFD raid will crumble like soggy toilet paper. hope you have fun. this is what you wanted.
As it should imo, its a lvl 25 entry-level raid with limited skills and talents avaiable - what do you expect ?
Actually didn’t the streamers one shot everything? I saw parts of some video where they did.
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im still going horde
They are also getting another salv option in later brackets