[Classic -SoD] 2H Enhancement Shaman

I know “everything” isn’t known yet about Season of Discovery and I’ve heard whispers that there might be something somewhere kinda sorta maybe that perhaps may remedy my concern…

But I gotta talk about 2 Hand Enhancement Shaman in Season of Discovery. It sure appears that Blizzard is prepping for dual wield Enhancement Shaman to replace 2Hand. We can see the Runes. We can play Dual Wield in retail and in all the Classic BC-WOTLK-CATA-+whatever versions of the game. But we can’t play 2 Hand. It sure feels like we are on the brink of losing a Classic WoW iconic spec, yet again, in regards to 2 Hand Enhancement.

Dual Wield isn’t bad. I’m not “hating” on it. It’s one of my favorite specs over the years in Retail. But you know what tops it for me and other Classic players? 2 Hand Enhancement. And I’m really damn scared it’s going to get the shaft, yet again, in this new Season of Discovery.

Please… please don’t do this to us again. 2 Hand Enhancement is ICONIC to Classic WoW. I beg of you to not forget that. Don’t leave us out to dry again. Throw us a friggin’ bone here.

Oh, since I have your attention: Ogres are pretty cool and it would be nice to be able to play the only race from Warcraft 2 that’s not already playable in WoW. (I know Dark Spear are not Amani, but it’s at least sorta/kinda comparable)