Classic shaman question

Hi, I have a level 30 classic Shaman. I had some basic questions about grinding and efficiency. Should I keep lightning shield up? Or is it better to shock (Flame and then Earth)? Should I drop any totems? This is in terms of general grinding quest mobs and equal level mobs. I feel like it all works but not sure which is best in terms of mana and efficiency. Oh and I use Flametongue on my big 2H.

Open with flame and use earth from there on. If you don’t care to drink often you can open with lightning bolt into flame shock into another lightning bolt before the mob gets to you and just melee him down keeping earth shock on cd and flame totem dropped.

If you don’t wanna drink and use a swing timer addon, you can use earthbind totem/frostshock and bob in and out of melee range. Run in to melee. Run out til your swing timer is ready and run in again just close enough to hit em and run back out. This way you’re only exchanging blows in a 1:1 exchange instead of a 1:2 exchange, meaning they hit you twice to your one.

Also try to use windfury instead of flametongue.

So dont bother with lightning shield? It feels like I am constantly refreshing it.

Yea you need lightning shield up.

Fire totem, baff weapon, lightning shield, flame shock, frost shock( it eats less mana and deals same amount of damage) it is very slow to level up if you play elem. Put lightning shield, aggro with flame shock put totem and just spam frost shocks after