Classic Shadowform

Can we get a glyph or something to make Shadowform look like it does in Classic? Call me weird, but I think the old one looks way better. :man_shrugging:


I agree /10


I’ve been asking for this for years. Such and easy, simple win for Blizzard… and yet to refuse to even acknowledge it.

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Yes please, Classic Shadowform looks so sick.

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You are clearly mistaken druids need their 476th new skin and warlocks need their 86th demon skin. Shadow got the lesser shadowform glyph fixed after only 5 years or so, its clearly not time for them to do something like give us more shadowform options, or shadowfiend options, or make shadowcrash not look stupid. That’d be crazy.

FWIW, the naga caster water crash ability would be fantastic for shadow crash, its instant, looks good, and in game.

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There is a reason I retired my Priest for Warlock.

It’s called tired of being ignored again and again.

This is probably the most requested glyph by players.