Classic Servers getting free character transfers, but where is mine from a DEAD realm on retail?

Didn’t CRZ solve that? :wink:

Yes it is relevant.

They only give transfers from over populated servers not from dying ones. They offer them to get people to go to the lower populated ones . If they gave them from the dying ones they would have to shut them down and even though I personally think they should because there are too many servers they are not going to .

You are essentially claiming that because Blizzard did something a certain way in the past that somehow they must act in that way now. The past doesn’t necessarily repeat itself. Your logic is flawed.

And dead realms should possibly be shut down after players on them are given or made to transfer (of course in my opinion). There is little point in keeping them on life support.

They have never (and likely will never) have offered transfers OFF dead realms. They have, in the past, offered transfers off over-populated realms in retail though. It is not a matter of “Classic is getting something we don’t.” but rather “Classic is getting something that has not been needed on retail in however many years it has been since they did free transfers.”

If they were offering them to low-pop servers on Classic you would have a point… but they aren’t and you don’t.

All that said: My opinion is they either need to consolidate servers or do more server links, but that’s beyond the topic of the thread.

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I’m confused. Why are you not answering my initial question? Yes, I understand what Blizzard has done in the past and that doesn’t jive with what I think should be done. That is fine.

It would make the realms even more dead. You may not like the answer, but it is the answer.

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You want to know why servers are in the shape they are in is because of what happened in the past.

They made new servers and gave people free transfers to the new ones . Some got populated some did not . Making to many of them and giving out too many free transfers is why we have dead and dying realms and people want more .

Better option would be mergers not transfers.

After which they can be shut down. Why keep them up in this hypothetical?

I am not endorsing the idea to make new realms in retail. I believe that players on dead realms should be given a break and not be made to pay a fair amount of money to transfer and enjoy the game. The death of realms is beyond such players’ control. They ought not be punished for it.

Merging is also a good idea, I agree.

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Get a kickstarter going. Ask folks for their support. Make a twitter account. Tweet funny $#!^ about reporting from a dying planet, and how you just need some extra cake to get off the planet.

For god sakes, someone on Reddit will give you gold for a funny comment. Get to work, ya gib.

Retail has beautiful sharding to save you, LOL


I know, right? :expressionless:

And Thunda, I dunno what you’re trying to say.

Except Retail has 20 servers at full and Classic barely has that many servers, you’re delusional.

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Lucky you… What I wouldn’t give to go back before the asterisk invasion took hold. Ah, the peace and quiet.

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Ah the true classic experiences. No CRZ to hide dead servers. That’s a feature after all.

It’s because of your initial complaint that “Absolutely players on dead realms should be given free transfers. Instead, Blizzard’s offering Classic WoW that opportunity.” People are pointing out that Bizzard is not offering Classic WoW that opportunity.

Personally, I think you might have a point that players should be encouraged off of dead realms so those realms can just be closed/consolidated, but that’s got nothing to do with Classic or with the server transfers that are currently being given out in Classic.


I think they need to start merging servers, get me out of ner’zhul! Please.


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they are giving transfers to overpopulated servers with queues.

Yes we know its possible to offer free transfers, but its not likely unfortunately for retail

Just pony up the $25 and go to a highly populated raiding server or RP server

I am not saying anything about making new servers for retail now.

Realms are in this state because of new realms being made in the past .

What part of they will not give free transfers from dead realms to populated realms do you not comprehend .

If and when they do free transfers it is always from high populated servers to lower populated ones not from low population to high population .

Oh and I should have my head examined for feeding your toll rear end.

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Some of us prefer realms that aren’t overcrowded.

What’s it like just making up numbers on the internet and trying to pass them off as fact?