Classic > Retail Transfer of Characters

I think personally at some point in the next few years Blizz will make a tidy profit charging players a transfer service of their classic characters onto the retail realm. Personally I think this should definitely be a service offered at some point, but I’d like to hear what the classic regulars stance is.
There will be a time where classic will end and losing everything I’ve achieved on old Milky by parking the character in a dead game client is a sad and lonely death. Plus, Blizz know they can make money on this so why wouldn’t they?

I think the biggest opposition will honestly be from old retail players who don’t want their impossible to obtain titles and achievements muddied by a wave of classic to retail transferred players who also now have the same thing. My rebuttal to that is, most people don’t care.


This belongs on sod forums.

Why? It’s not about SOD. It’s about an eventual ability to transfer classic toons to retail.


That doesn’t make any sense at all.


Imagine paying for a transfer for 10 minutes played time in retail, equivalent level on retail would be level 10

I’m not too bright so can you elaborate what you mean with this?

Any purple pixels i have on my classic character i either have or can easily collect in the lvl 30 raids.

So no i wouldnt pay for my character to go from classic to retail.

Level 60 on classic is the equivalent of level 10 on retail. If you paid for a transfer your characters level would be level 10,

To get to level 10 in retail takes 10 - 20 mins if that. You can be max level in a day of played time.

Why would I transfer my classic toons to retail when I already have toons in retail lol.

I just want to clone transfer my classic toons to a permanent wrath classic era server. That would be the greatest thing ever.

Classic toons can get certain things that retail toons cannot get due to azeroth content.

Actually cataclysm/vanilla, tbc and northrend scales to level 30.