Classic Ret Paladin - Talents Question

Here it is again:


Same problem for some reason. Nvm thanks for trying

I posted in the classic wowhead forums:


Got it now.cheers. i suspected what u took in ret tree. Only diff was that i picked eye for an eye instead of ret aura talent. Cheers

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It is a great hybrid spec.

zzzz no significant raid nor pvp achievements. next

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Are you “special” or something?

There were no achievements in vanilla. There was no achievement tracking in vanilla. Go troll elsewhere. You are just a bad troll.

You claimed “hard-won experience… Vanilla through BFA.”

So for majority of your played time it was when achievements were enabled. I’m not trolling, you literally have zero note-worthy achievements. How are you going to sit here and preach advice, odd.

In fact you are trolling. You are insulting me rather than responding to the topic of this thread which is the definition of trolling.

This thread is about the classic/vanilla ret paladin, something I am an expert on and have personal experience with. The only achievement I need for that is my WoW Classic Commander rank. In fact, I had 50,000 hks before patch 1.9 and was the third ranked pvp ret paladin on my server. I was also a very good raid healer and raided all the way through Naxx on my server, Maelstrom. I have been posting in the Paladin forums since 2005.

This begs the question, who are you?

The really amusing thing about your obvious troll posts is that this post is that Blackweb is not my only or my most played Paladin.

Achievements are account wide, you still haven’t obtained anything of substance since your “vanilla experience”. What have you been doing the past 12 years?

Have Realm Firsts, AoTC, Cutting Edge. But once again, what do I know and who am I?

You also have zero arena achievements, you seem to just be a random bg hero.

Blah, blah, blah. This thread is about ret classic talents, not post classic achievements.

  • There were no arenas in vanilla wow.
  • There was no achievement system in vanilla wow.

Do you have something to say about the topic of this thread or are you just trolling?

But I repeat myself.

so while i like the spelladin concept

no matter what judegemt has said to me in replies on youtube,
the build is just too expensive for regular players to maintain.
the fact that you need shadow pots, elixirs, dragon chilis and more is insane when you look at that cost.

im level 57 atm amd have 2 sets of gear
1 is a +spell/heal damage set with +225 sp

and the other is normal ret set with 14.7 crit amd 817 ap so far.

i use brainhacker with sp set and dreadforged retaliator with ap set.

my max sor hits for 100 a hit, and that with +holy damage aura as well as +holy damage debuff on mob.

and yet my dps is typically about 40 pts less atm.

and it is disheartening to.say that as sp so far im about 155 dps and ap i fluctuate between 170 to 190 on average.

in fact holy shield prot paladins do about 225 dps all the time

so frustrating

Vendatha, those are still the same consumables you will be using as a standard ret to get your “best” numbers possible. The only difference is getting the bonus damage out of the gear as well.

The only increased cost is the weightstones on the MCP.

Dps as any version of ret is stupid expensive to put up the best numbers, this just does it in a different way.

hmmm didt know reg ap ret go that route as well.

the way these numbers are panning out, i dont see why a ret wouldnt use fast 1h that has a proc like fiery rapier? + skullflame shield or +sp offhand and use fiery or lifesteal on 1h

It’s really difficult to decide how to play Classic Ret with people arguing about it.

Question to you in regards to weapon speed for Pallies.

I understand that slower is better represents the general consensus assuming SoC. And below the 3.5 weapon speed, go SoR.

As a ret paladin, between a slow 2 hander like Twig of the World Tree with SoC and a fast 2 hander like Taran with SoR, is there a clear winner DPS wise?

Becuase 3 hours of play a week don’t define your build.

Raids are easy, and there’s a LOT of content atill to be done outside of raiding, and it’s almost always worth it to judge crusader when you can. The extra spellpower is nice.

while i agree freedom use, im not sure druid need freesom? dont they negate cc by switching form? or is that a later xpax?

They can break CC, but with freedom they dont get delay; because you have to get root before you can even break that CC which takes a few seconds to do which can be a matter of life & death with the other team heading your way. Freedom give immunity which makes it easier for them to simply run.

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