Classic Release

Got home from work and it’s friday… No release date still? :laughing:

You know, what? I bet after all the other topics that Blizzard CMs ignored, this will be the one. This is gonna be the one that gets the classic announcement. Way to go, guy. You did it. You made a thread so unique that CMs can’t help but respond with a classic announcement. What a 300 IQ poster.


Still got 3+ hours of work time in Irvine.

It’s released but the internet some how kept it from you.

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Naw they 2 busy in the lunch room.

I wrote a very advanced computer program to determine the release date.

It says here the release date is syntax error.

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The second version of the program came out as NaN.

I wonder why summer… like blizzard wants to milk all the kiddos that get summer vacation, understandable. But many people work :joy: So I can play whenever I get home

Many people take their vacation time in summer too. Business slows down a bit etc.

And people who work 9 to 5 and don’t take holidays, doesn’t matter when they release it.

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Thanks to some giddy content creators sitting on juicy news that they’re having trouble keeping secret from their recent trip to Irvine, I can’t help but believe there is some big news coming either today or early next week.

well i turned in my vacation this year for a juicy check lol. Next year I will have 12 days for my self