Is there a way to look up the realm population for the new servers and if their ratio of Alliance / Horde ?
I’m guessing the best you can do at this point is go by the “low/medium/full” column, and I’m sure the best you can do for faction balance is try to go by what streamers roll what faction on what server, and assume that faction will probably have a healthy population.
Addendum: I think it will be safe to assume pvp servers will generally have healthy horde populations.
There is this. There’s a link to the raw data in this post that shows ratio info and other things. Obviously not everyone will have participated in this survey but its at least something to go by for now.
Nice. Thank you for this.
Thank you Grimey.
This is better then nothing
The reddit survey and the currently listed server populations seem to line up pretty well actually. On carebear side it’s showing Pagle as Full, Mankrik as Medium, and the other two as low pop servers - matches the survey results perfectly.
Have we recieved confirmation that the populations shown on the realm listings are legitimately representing the total number of players and not just the number of players logged into the sever?
Blizzard said it in one of their blue post about name reservation. And by now, it is pretty obvious since some servers show as full. I don’t think that 10k+ players are logged in 24/7 on the character screen (=. We all want to play but not that much.
According the this survey just over 10% of the overall Alliance population will be warrior tanks.
Take from that what you will…
So back in vanilla, I played on Malygos which before the server splits had more NE Hunters than Horde players. So uneven population is all part of the classic experience.