At the rate it is going, PvP participation in WotLK will see the same downward trend as TBCC saw. Let’s go down the list…
- Rating requirements on gear
Get rid of it already, it is ridiculous, it is unnecessary, it gives an unfair advantage to certain classes, it creates gatekeeping when you have to beat people with the gear while simultaneously not having the gear to get to the required rating, it has NEVER been a good thing and never will.
Pre-patch should have been the wake-up call that tells you how people will do PvP when the gear isn’t gated behind unreasonable requirements.
- Deadly weapons are worthless
Completely outclassed by PvE weapons. Getting a 213 weapon from PvE is extremely easy while Deadly weapon requires a month of arena points on top of a ridiculously high rating to achieve and, still, the best weapons come from PvE with an ilvl of 226. The Deadly weapons need to be increased to 226 ilvl to justify its cost and to prevent PvE gear from outclassing PvP gear for PvP.
Furthermore, Savage and Hateful weapons need to be released.
- VoA and PvP gear
Here’s what is probably an unpopular opinion but… Remove PvP gear from VoA’s loot table, at the very least for the season 6 and onwards. It’s too late now for Season 5.
VoA creates a completely unfair advantage to people just for being lucky, giving them an edge in arena early in the season by giving them better gear for free because of RNG. PvP should be about consistency, not RNG drops.
- 2s, 3s and 5s points reward disparity
Normalize them. Ever since the formula was changed in Season 4, a 1200 5s rating makes more points than the highest 2s rating. This is simply unacceptable.
Increase the points gained from 2s and 3s to be much closer to 5s. Many of us DO NOT want to do 5s. It can be tedious to get 5 people together for it and it is unfun for a lot of us. Promote diversity in arenas rather than force players to do 5s just for points.
- Fix bugs
The gargoyle haste issue was reported in pre-patch and you still have DKs abusing it in both PvE and PvP today. Gargoyle machine gunning people down because of it. Resilience not reducing DoTs crit damage (Apparently this is getting fixed?), pet combat and sap immunity still not working as intended, the list is long.
We need those fixed already.
- Bots
They are everywhere in BGs, can we get something done about it?
This thread showcases this very well