Classic PvP Content Plan

Thanks for pointing out Classic is based on 1.12 for the 10,000th time, Luuni. I’m sure you repeating that the first 9999 times wasn’t sufficient. At some point when every single one of your posts says the exact same thing you start to enter troll territory.


That’s like saying phase 2 will have MoH’s for those rank 14 sweet sweet rewards, clearly they indirectly stated it wont be the case but again they could change their minds.

Spoken like someone that has never leveled a character on a PvP server with the ranking system in Vanilla. You can easily get rank 5 or 6 by the time you hit level 60 if you are aggressive on a highly populated server.

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Did you even do any research into the PvP rewards compared to available PvE gear? This is one of the most biased, baseless posts I’ve read on this thread so far.

Good lord there are so many things wrong about this post I don’t even know where to begin; I can’t even tell if you are serious or not. This entire post is so hyperbolic and contradictory.

My guy, rank 14 is not the only thing to consider here. Do you have any idea how broken the rank 12 and rank 13 pieces are compared to the other gear available in phase 2? Even the blue set that you can get the majority of pieces for at rank 8 are pretty strong compared to other pre-raid alternatives, let alone half of the loot from MC.

Or you can just not party with players that are unable to discern the difference between a civilian NPC and a PvP target?

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Cross-realm battle groups were added in 1.12 right before the TBC pre-patch. Considering they are making accommodations for progression in virtually every other area of classic, I don’t see how questioning whether or not it will be included on release of AV and WSG is any less legitimate than any of the other questions posed here.

You are ignoring the fact that this gear will be accessible before phase 5 unlike it was originally implemented; imagine how many rank 12+ players there will be before AQ release, and they will all be walking in to a fresh raid with gear that has the potential to last to Naxx depending on what slot it is. Even when ignoring the impact this gear will have on being able to successfully contest world boss kills, you are greatly underestimating the impact that the availability of this gear imposes on the relative gear discrepancy between casual players and those that are at the top.

Just to let you know, the unarmored mounts you are referencing are the epic mounts that were available to players before patch 1.4; I don’t see how asking if these mounts will be available to obtain in phase 1 is going against #NoChanges

Just so you know, you’re missing the last word of that line item “always”. There have been calls to have both the armored and unarmored epic mounts available throughout Classic, instead of being removed at the patch 1.4 mark. I’m quite happy to see unarmored mounts in CP1 then removed at CP2.

They need to do progressive itemization for all (that include pvp gear) this is not blizzlike otherwise and in the philosophy of wow classic.

Alterac Valley should change with the phase instead of being 1.12 at every stage.

No progressive itemization is only good if they buff raid and change boss stats, but pvp gear will still be BIS all the way to Naxx and that a issue…

They would if they could but they don’t have a complete picture of the data. They’re also not ‘buffing raids’ or ‘changing boss stats’. Ragnaros will be the 1.12 Boss Stats at the same time as you have the 1.12 PVP gear. i.e. Always.

I agree, I will be disappointed if they allow players to have access to the unarmored mounts for the entirety of classic, especially since they are basically status items identifying early players.

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I disagree with a lot of your posts and am sharing my opinions.

There won’t be an honor system at launch, when most players are leveling. Also, you’d have to spend hundreds of hours to rank that much under 60 on a non-private server. It isn’t “easy”.

Have you? If so, offer specifics, rather than baselessly bash other people.

Again, rather than insult other posts, be constructive and actually discuss things.

You won’t get rank 12 or rank 13 gear in phase 2. You will also probably never play with someone who does. You are underestimating how long it takes to rank. Also, assuming someone had 15 hours a day to optimally grind honor in world pvp, somehow, and get blue pvp gear by the end in phase 2, it already wouldn’t be worth it for pve compared to having bis MC and DM gear.

AoE’s exist. Also, people tab target in the middle of a chaotic battle. Accidents will happen.

PvP gear won’t affect AQ40 progression. Also, I see nothing wrong with pvp gear giving an advantage in world pvp. Otherwise, why have a reward system to begin with? Should the players who put in literally 5000+ hours to rank to 13/14 not be rewarded with better gear for pvp itself? And there will always be a discrepancy between casual players and the best. It is called skill, which is very prevalent in vanilla pvp.

That is how it was back in actual vanilla WoW. That concept is also part of an MMO. Players gaining status from items that they spent countless hours to get and then going AFK in Ironforge/Orgrimmar is part of what made the game great. Not everyone can have every item. It is that mentality that has made current WoW so terrible.


Yeah brb let me just do a quick background check on everyone in this Ironforge raid PuG and verify that they will never accidentally pull a civilian


Can we get a Dishonorable kill .IO?

Also… right click report was added in TBC but it is being added to classic…

Using that logic we should remove dishonorable kills from wow classic because they were removed in tbc.


Yes exactly and it’s harder to get the amount of gold pre Diremaul.

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Depends on which mount system they go with as well. If it’s the 1.12.1 changes, then the mounts will be cheap. I can’t remember if you could buy the mount item, but not use it. Or if you couldn’t even buy it until unlocking the appropriate riding skill.

You could always RP yourself as the Prophet of Grocery Doom, foreseeing the end of a future Fruit Vendor…