Classic PvP Content Plan

Love it!
YAY NO BG’s / canned pvp at the start!!!

Not happy about DHK’s that’s part of what ruined world pvp.

Would LOVE to see a server locked on phase 2 (WITHOUT DHK’s) - that is my ideal WoW classic experience.


You chose 1.12 because it was the most complete version of the game. The most polished, and design issues fixed.

The addition of BGs, a ranked PvP system, and subsequent rep rewards, and honor system rewards were not progression, but a fixed/more complete, more polished version of the game. To not include them at launch but rather in phases serves no purpose beyond some vain attempt to show that you care about an authentic experience.

Authentic experience would have been according to the developer’s original direction.

Meaning if PvP, the system, the battlegrounds, the rewards both rep and rank, were actually finished at launch, they would have been added at launch.

There is a difference between content that was added to serve as a continuous progression of content, and the addition of content that was added because the game was a work in progress. PvP =/= progression, and it shouldn’t mirror it.


I like it. World pvp in phase 2 is going to be super legit.


Awesome, thank you.

its probably been answered already :S but what is the time estimate on each phase?

I’m assuming this means that level 58 PVP rank rewards are not going to be a thing? Which would have been appropriate for that level of progression at Phase 2.

Pretty much perfect. Can’t wait to go all out in PvP this time around!

The only ones who liked them had absolutely no idea how they worked.


I honestly cannot understand what the point of re-enabling DHKs is. Didn’t they toss that garbage system out after vanilla?


What blizzard doesn’t get is that the anger caused by this bad decision will have backlash of a biblical scale on civilians. The more valued the better.

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6 months from launch if they hold true to Vanilla. 3 months from the Honor system launch.

Yeah I can’t see any reason to keep DHKs in the game at all. All they did was punish world pvp and faction city raids. There is also so much griefing that can be done using this.


For every PVP’er screaming blue murder here, I hope you’ve never said #NoChanges even once. This is Vanilla scheduling. You wanted it, you got it.


Exactly. It was a failed system.

Only thing we are missing now is the release date.


Having the 1.12 pvp gear in phase 2 is a bad idea, you should have the original pvp gear in phase 2 and the more powerful versions in phase 5.


That’s a good idea. I can support that.

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PVP weapons introduced early on is not a good look.

I’d prefer them not to be included but I can understand why blizzard left them in. They want the World PvP outside of towns.

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Please reconsider pushing Dishonorable kills further back!!! : )


Well they originally put them in to try and discourage people from camping lowbies, but turns out the people that camp lowbies don’t care about ranking so it just kind of failed.