Classic PvP Content Plan

Can we please get some clarification on why 1.12 was chosen for AV? I couldn’t help but notice that your reasons stated in the AV announcement didn’t match up at all with what was said about data loss at BlizzCon.

Apart from that, good to hear you guys have the content release figured out. :slight_smile:


sooo starting in phase 2, all flight masters from lvl 45ish and up will be camped for those wanting an early jump in pvp rank, got it


Please make the PVP titles toggle. This wasn’t an option back in the day.

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Really glad you guys are sticking to your guns on this.


You know good and well that bread vendor deserves it. Every bit of it.


1.12 was nearly a TBC prepatch. Strict adherance to that version in all things does not simulate the experience of what Vanilla was for much of it’s existence. There is nothing wrong with using it as a base, but there is also nothing wrong from pulling from other Vanilla eras in an attempt to make a
the best recreation of what Vanilla was and can be. Which is why we’re not launching with all 1.12 content, it would not be what Vanilla really was. It would be what the last Vanilla patch before TBC was like.


This is amazing EXCEPT FOR putting in the 1.12 rewards in, in phase 2. This is going to put too strong of rewards in the game, AQ level rewards in the game in fact, as early as the Dire Maul Patch. Everything else about this is great, but I think that they should update the Honor System Rewards in Phase 5 with AQ 40.


But it wasn’t a TBC prepatch. It was 1.12 AV in 1.12 vanilla, which is what they are giving us in 1.12 Classic.


Its quite likely that not all other rank rewards will be available during P2. I wouldn’t be surprised if the R14 weapons came out later, just like the trinket release.


Patch 1.4.0 brought in the Honor system, and that correlates to Content Patch 2. This is a valid and well aligned order to the game’s original content.

If you want to talk about progressive itemisation, that’s a different kettle of fish.


I hope they want until phase 2 or 3. I really want to be able to obtain that sweet Ivory Raptor on my Undead Lock.

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I think you’re going to regret the gap between honor system rewards and bg release.

People are going to be ravenous for the 1.12 pvp rewards in phase 2. World pvp is going to be constant and dirty for several months.

Don’t get me wrong… as someone who has gone thru this sort of timeline before on pserver - and is representative of the more hardcore population I think it’s fair to say - I will be happy to camp people for days. But the casual population on pvp servers is not going to like it very much at all. Watch for population dips in phase 2 :joy:


that wouldn’t surprise me either, but people will still turn flight points into slaughter areas trying to get early ranks


Still insisting on 1.12 AV and implementing dishonorable kills? I guess it’s just a matter of time until they confim crossrealm battlegrounds then.


Hey Bornakk. I’m just curious on why you guys are pushing AV 1.12 when it seems everyone was really looking forward to the older versions (1.5? I think and onwards) of it?


The honor system should be in with launch. World pvp needs to be incentivized early on to ensure a lively pvp scene later on. As well, you get a PVP rank discount on vender prices, encouraging levelers to PVP to get that discount on at least their mount.


This is important! If 1.12 versions of the gear are going in this early they will be brokenly OP.


Wew your post made me tired. I think I may take a nap. You seem a little tired too, you should consider taking a little nap. Naps always make me feel so refreshed and give my mind some well needed clarity.


You mean like Vanilla was?

Don’t get me wrong, but people were ravenous for PVP on PVE servers in Vanilla during the same period. I played on an RP server even, and Tarren Mill Southshore was basically a ‘no-go’ zone for questing. You went there to fight. 200-300 people a side was common, the vendors and flight master were basically always dead etc.



they were part of vanilla after patch what 1.9? so it wouldn’t surprise me

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